Don't Drink Large Mugs Of Beer From A Guy in the Woods by Binbelliya | World Anvil

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Sun 26th Jan 2020 12:34

Don't Drink Large Mugs Of Beer From A Guy in the Woods

by Binbelliya Syldan

Long time no see! And for a good reason. You think Bumble was the least of our problems but NOPE. We got bigger fish to deep fry...along with some steamed vegetables...mmm...anyway the gang got lost but like I was fine I don't know why everyone complained about it, and I played Eye Spy! We ended up finding a tavern in the middle of the forest. Workers rights! And then...we had fun...and was nice...then we got drugged. That wasn't nice. We all woke up without our gear and clothes. Zsoana and Nabith lost their kidneys! I hope they get them back. I punched a bunch of locks and got my friends out. We even saved others who were trapped in here. I helped make Iltiari more intimidating. We even found Hail's father Ink's! He seems chill. We then had to go to the lab to find Damiel's things. Because they were taken...he seemed upset. more than usual whenever he hears me breathing. Oh yeah! Speaking of, Rimaia caught Glow trying to drink...she's younger than we thought. Poor kid...I still think she should drink. And we all had curry! Anyway, we got to the lab and there was a demon. Damiel basically took all my poison herbs I...was saving...for a friend...and he killed the workers. Glow knew the demon um...yeah...we all got bathed in rainbow magic juice but nothing happened to me >:c I want my soul back...Stupid magic users thinking they're so damn cool. Iltiari's arm wasn't working for a bit so they were a battering ram for awhile. It's cool though we're bros now. We also have to defeat some guy named MChnail or something? And also a Tazra...she sounds pretty. Too bad I have to kill her. And we also blew up the tavern! Yay! We also caught the tavern guy for more answers. But yeah the explosion was cool. CJ also was playing in the woods the whole time. Poor thing, he probably missed me. I was able to make Damiel laugh that was fun. We're best friends now. I hope he doesn't find this because one day he will kill me. Actually...why hasn't he killed me yet? Fuckin' coward. TTYL and today's lesson: don't drink tall mugs of beer from random guys who own a tavern in the forest and don't pay their landlords.

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