Shanora by Binbelliya | World Anvil

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Tue 10th Dec 2019 07:30


by Binbelliya Syldan

After almost 3 decades I finally know the name of the mountain! It's so beautiful. I wish I was that beautiful. I wish I was a full elf...Rimaia tried to get me to speak more, with Zsoana too...I'm afraid of telling them too much. I did apologize though for failing the heist so everything should be fine. Damiel took me aside and we both hate my dad :D. He told me about snow. I missed it. I remember almost touching it once outside the window at night. Damiel also said I was ugly. Well...too ugly to be an elf I look like a human. Everyone else said I looked like an elf. I don't know what I am...I asked to kill my father and Damiel said no. I don't care what he says Drogo Syldan is a dead man when I see him. We went to the town of Bumble but it looked awful. We raised skeletons with a glowing hammer! That was fun! But like...stuff happened...and the skeletons were bad...and killed like...we aren't allowed there anymore. But I got to sleep up in a tree like I used to. I miss Clikx. CJ was a great cat and friend today. He played with Zsoana and her llama. Zsoana is really nice....and pretty...but she probably sees me as a burden like the rest of the group. At least they're concerned but...why? I could just leave and everything would be better. We don't all talk everyone has their own issues. We're not people...people...I like talking to Damiel in elvish it's fun. I like speaking in elvish more than in common or goblin. Don't tell Clikx. I think Iltiari and Zsoana has sympathy for me...or pity...I just want to not be ugly and be one or the other. I'd rather be an elf. Maybe I'd be different. Glow lied about something today...that was weird...why would she lie? I hope everyone in the own is ok...even though we killed a bunch of orphans. I gave them some gold and Damiel gave them a gem. He's nicer than we all thought. have to remember to tell him about his dumb potions or whatever. Nerd. Rimaia seems to be obsessed with him...they'd make a nice couple. I want to fall in love with someone like that one day. Maybe another nicer elf...or Zsoana...that would be nice. CJ didn't see any of the blood and Glow touched some of the blood. I'm kind of worried about her but she doesn't speak...just does...also Iltiari might be lonely...and Rimaia's new cloak is fancy I should compliment it. I wonder if my mother's tribe is stil around and would take me back...that would be fun. Do they miss me? Do I miss them? I hope we find a wishing well so I can wish to be a real elf...