Should I go? by Binbelliya | World Anvil

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Sat 23rd Nov 2019 10:44

Should I go?

by Binbelliya Syldan

It’s been a not good day. It started well though. We saved people. CJ bit me but Damiel (who I thought was god) gave me a rabies medication thing . I’m fine. In the morning I asked him about cookies. He looked at me suspiciously. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. He gave me something to wash CJ with so that’s good. He smells much better. He also gave me a pillow. I still am mad at Ramiya. But I made her a sandwich. We went to Red Castle but there was no red castle >:(. It was a red manor and we all entered a contest. Even before that I think something happened to me. I felt weird but it was good. I think I had a cookie? It wasn’t like the one dad would give me but it tasted good. We went in and we didn’t fight but we looked around. I got shot with an arrow but I kept it! Then we continued. Damiel cut out a painting of the pretty mountain. I wanna ask him if I can see it again. We won but before that... I saw his face. I never saw a mirror before and I looked like him and all his dirty features. I broke one. I made Hail and Ramiya upset again. So bad that they tackled me. I don’t care anymore I’m a burden like he said. I don’t deserve to be here. I wish I was like Damiel and not cared. I wish I wasn’t so emotional. I wish I was good. Then maybe Clikx would have stayed. I miss him a lot. I got an elven storybook so there’s an upside. CJ puked I have to clean it up. CJ is a good cat he keeps all my secrets. I’m glad he’s someone I can trust. But maybe I can find Clikx on my own? Should I go?