Goodbye (For Now) by Binbelliya | World Anvil

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Sat 8th Feb 2020 04:34

Goodbye (For Now)

by Binbelliya Syldan

Welp...we finally caught up with M Channail...I tried using Nile Prime but I guess I wasn't good enough. We found Belch and an old druid that the friends are gonna help. I gave everyone their gift. Speaking of RIMIA GAVE HERS!!! And it was on flower day! I hope he liked it. When we fought Channail I got turned into a capybara...but I bit his crotch so it's cool. Damiel found a cure and we changed all the people back into people. Even Zsoana, who disappeared for a second, was turned into a real snake, and Iltiari was an octopus. I think they prefered it to being themself...I'd rather be Bell. The inn had shitty food. So I left Chicken with Hail as a promise that I won't leave leave. I mean I doubt it. I may have been annoying...and troublesome...and a hassle...but I know they'll miss me a little bit...also I'm gonna travel with Clikx for a bit. I think he's been a bit too mopey and I don't really want those vibes around me so maybe some separation is good for the both of us. Hopefully my friends defeat Channail for good this time and I can make them great food. Oh darn I should've given Rimia a recipe for how to make Damiel's food. Ah well, they'll see my beautiful face again soon.