TL:DR- captured by Giff; met their god-emperor; cannot use minor conjuration because chains suppress magic
Matt did his thing; got captured
Monomon met Dan playing an accordion who appeared in a cell across from him
Told him to "seek answers in a sleeping serpent"
Dan broke us out; boarded a lifeboat and escaped during a fierce storm
Washed up on an uncharted island in the Dragon Isles; taken in by a tortle named Oogwan
Brought to a old totrle village with a statue in the middle; statue depicts a coiled serpent in the middle
Statue in the middle of town called "the sleeper", patron of this island; to meet the sleeper, make a petition at the temple
Petitioners must prove themselves in some sort of trial
Learned that Balthazar is not actually a tortle; possibly some sort of dragon
Ugone has no info on Balthazar
Dragon isles info
discovered 100 years ago; populated by native tortles who care for dragons, 1-2 per island
Human kingdom has a couple of fortified outposts here
Made our way to the petition site, a crumbling, overgrown ziggurat
"greeted" by 5 raptors etched with metal tattoos and a colorful fan tail