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Day 1: Begin

by Rekker Trygve

Day 1:
Today marks the day of my escape from the city of Virkagen. I've spent the last year of my life serving as a soldier, known as the "Red Bastion," for the kingdom. But the rebellion started just after I joined the military, and everything changed.
My best friend Kyle, who taught me how to cook and I trained her in weapon handling. We were inseparable. But when the rebellion started, she disappeared. I searched for her but never found any trace.
Today, as I was fighting in my last battle, I saw her again. She was on the other side, fighting for the rebels. We fought a long and grueling battle and in the end, I emerged victorious. But it was with a heavy heart that I killed her. It was the only way to ensure she would not be captured and tortured by the Hans.
But seeing her again, made me realize that the rebels were right all along. I couldn't join them, however, because of the atrocities I committed as the Red Bastion. I had to flee, to escape the guilt and the shame.
I'm not sure where I'm headed, but I've decided to make my way to the town of Aremore. I hope to find peace and a new purpose in life, but the memory of Kyle and the weight of my actions will stay with me forever.