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Tue 17th Jan 2023 03:21

Day 2: Skill Issue

by Rekker Trygve

I've spent the day walking through the snowy woods, unsure of my exact location but heading in the direction of Aremore. The journey is treacherous and the cold is biting, but I push on.
As night falls, I set up camp and attempt to cook some of the recipes my friend Kyle taught me before the war. But my hands are unsteady and my mind is heavy with grief. I can't help but think of her and the guilt of what I've done weighs heavily on me. My attempts at cooking were unsuccessful and I ended up with a case of food poisoning. I am weak, alone and feeling guilty for what I've done. I couldn't help but shed some tears remembering Kyle and my past actions.
I knew I had to find food to survive, so I decided to try hunting. I used patience and a handmade trap made from half of my armor and I was successful in catching a rabbit. I am sorry for taking the life of this innocent animal, but it was necessary for my survival.
I need to find my way to Aremore, to find redemption and peace but it's hard to keep going.