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Tue 17th Jan 2023 03:22

Day 3: Keep Me Sharp

by Rekker Trygve

The cold is biting and the journey is long and treacherous, but I push on. Yesterday's food poisoning and the guilt of taking the life of an innocent animal weigh heavily on me, but I have to keep going. I have to find my way to Aremore and seek redemption for my past actions.
I spend the day walking through the snowy woods, trying to navigate by the stars at night. The weather is harsh, and my supplies are running low. I try to make the most of what I have, conserving my food and rationing my water.
I started the next day running from a pack of wolves, I managed to fend them off, but not without getting bitten on the shoulder. The wound is deep and painful, and I fear it may become infected. I try to clean and bandage it as best I can, but I know it will slow me down.
I've been carrying a lot of guilt and shame in my heart, and the new woud? is not helping. I hope that in Aremore, I can find the redemption and peace I seek, and maybe a doctor, but for now, I must focus on survival and making it through each day.