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Wed 15th Feb 2023 07:26

Reflections on Recent Events

by Rekker Trygve

"I haven't written in my diary for a while. A lot has happened, much more than I've recorded here. I'll try to summarize.
Fuyuko has developed emotions. It was a difficult situation to handle, but with Alice,Ranger and Moore we managed to find a way to make it less stressfull. I hope things go well for her.
After the incident with Fuyuko, we discovered that there's a second person inside her, Phoenix, who seems to know me. It's a strange situation and I don't know how to handle it.
I spoke with a representative of Virkagen, a city where I'm not well-liked. I wanted to make sure that if the city participated in the festival, no one would have bad intentions. I was able to "resolve" the problem, but I wonder if my reputation can still affect my relationships with others.
I spent time alone trying to understand my emotions. It was difficult, but I tried to do my best. I'm happy to have friends like the others, who helped me get through this confused stuff.
Although I was able to help others, I don't know how to help myself. Every time I try to sleep, I have nightmares about the war I fought. I dont want to ask anyone for help, and I keep going to help the city. I don't want anyone to worry about me.
I hope that one day I can overcome all this and find some inner peace. But for now, I have to keep moving forward."