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Sat 11th Mar 2023 09:01

A mess.

by Rekker Trygve

A mess. Everything is a mess.
Aelos is going rogue, he almost killed Goose. Or i mean, it was pretty close. There is some big shit going aroound him and Rams, i dont know much about it yet and honestly i dont want to find out. Im not sayng that i dont care just...there is other stuff that i have think about.
I made some progress with that new tech, but i may need to speed thing up since the ground is tryng to kill us. Most of my farms are gone, it will touch the water soon and if that happens i dont know what kind of food we will grow.
Just to add some spice to this shit now i also made a mess whit Alice. Everthing was slowly coming togheter but now, i had to mess things up.
I snapped, for a brief moment. What kind of friend am i? I took an oath to protect people and then i...I threaten her? i didnt meant to...or did i?
"after all i did for her"
that was not some kind of...debt or threath...i was just angry. but that's not a reason- im no better than him if i do this kind of things.
I need some space away from aremore. Ranger will kill me if i do something like that. Fuck.