On the Electra by Tatiana | World Anvil

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Mon 19th Sep 2022 02:09

On the Electra

by Tatiana Fox

Personal log, stardate 100310.36
I am so embarrassed. They looked up my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY! Lieutenant Ailyn and Ensign Tefin brought it up in front of everyone, they had cake and everything. They even went so far as to decorate the entire mess hall. There were balloons, streamers, those little paper things that when you blow into them, they make a sound and get longer. They put a cone hat on my head and sang.
I am so embarrassed.
Like, what am I supposed to say to this? Do I thank people? That sounds awkward as hell. God I HATE everyone looking at me and thinking about me. I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING! I just want no one to look at me so I can sit there and just exist...
*long pause, the warp core hums faintly in the background*
It was kinda sweet. I honestly thought today was going to suck without any friends onboard, especially with Adam and Jacob so far away. But even though it was crazy awkward, it was kinda fun.
I got my first duty shift after orientation and had a great time. I spent the whole day wiping down work stations, windexing the windows, and unclogging toilets. It was SO COOL. I had no idea the level of intricate features that make everything so much easier to clean. Except one particular restroom that had a lot of greenish-purple fluid all over the place. No idea what happened there. I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY ON A STARSHIP! We're traveling to cool places, and the bridge crew is doing something or another with the Damitarians. I hope I get to see the planet's surface, maybe I'll ask Lt. Ailyn if there's a chance I can get down when everything is done...
Ohhh, and out of literally NOWHERE, she asked if I wanted to be part of the ACTING BRIDGE CREW SQUAD TODAY!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! It's going to suck, obviously. But I can use the scanners and maybe even run diagnostics... If nothing's happening, I'm going to try and see if she'll let me run a L-3 on the shields and weapons, just for fun!
I don't want to be late. This is going to be AMAZING.
End of log.