Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4 by Tatiana | World Anvil

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Stardate 2215.1

Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4

by Tatiana Fox

Attn: Desk of Acting First Officer Tefin
TacOps Log: Stardate 2215.1
Review of the events of Stardate 100310.77:
In the day leading up to these events, Captain Marcus and her senior staff were engaging in peace talks between the two largest Damitar IV factions: the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth and The Confederate States of Menoth in order to ensure order on Damitar IV. During this time, representatives from both factions boarded the Electra for negotiations. Additionally, a young child and his retinue also boarded to oversee the events. While I was not present for the proceedings, I have gathered from other crewmen that at some point during negotiations, the child desired to roam the ship. Though it is unclear how it proceeded, Ltjr Ailynn was assigned to escort and potentially entertain the child. During this time they toured the ship and eventually ended up in the holodeck in Cargo Bay 2 where I was stationed for the day. I noticed they, along with Ensigns Tefin and Vash, entered the holodeck for some time. They were also accompanied by a representative of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth. After some time, the representative left in a rage, mumbling about how there was some ''desecration''.
From conversations with Ensign Tefin, I gathered that the child was considered deific among the Damitarians. It is my hypothesis that they were similar socially to the Dalai Lama on Earth. After the child returned to the negotiations, they wrapped up quickly and a deal was struck.
The senior staff of the Electra were set to transfer down to the surface of Damitar IV to conclude peace talks and celebrate with the Damitarians. Per Starfleet regulation 9.3 c, the absentee bridge crew arrange for replacements to take up their positions during the festivities. Ltjr Ailynn was placed in temporary command and was assisted by Ensigns Tefin, Vash, Fontaine, and myself.
During the first several hours, operations on the bridge were quiet, but efficient. Ensign Tefin and Fontaine were running active analysis on a subspace anomaly that had been present a several hundred kilometers from the planet's surface, but they were unable to glean any conventional wisdom from their examinations. On a hunch, I ran a type-3 diagnostic of all tactical systems and discovered a 2.44 MGal fluctuation in the tertiary shield buffer matrix, lowering emergency power capabilities by roughly 3%. The error was noted and the systems were patched. All other systems were performing within nominal operating ranges.
5 hours and 14 minutes into the shift, a massive burst of energy (initial active scans rated the burst maximum amplitude at 2.13e16 Joules. The energy was dispersed locally from the away team's location. CO Ailynn ordered the away team returned but the transporters were unable to lock onto their com badges. The Electra went to Red Alert as 5 surface to space ballistic missiles were detected inbound to the ship. Fontaine attempted evasive maneuvers, but lacked the helm experience to avoid the rudimentary attacks. After suffering multiple close proximity detonations, shields depreciated to 33% and I began firing PDS phasers as well as launching 1 torpedo to intercept incoming warheads. These actions were met with marginal success as several missiles were disabled, but several more made contact. Non-essential crew were evacuated from external areas and power from non-essential systems were rerouted to bolstering shields and engines. A close detonation by engineering ruptured a critical warp core coolant system, necessitating the deactivation of the warp core. On impulse power alone, escape was not feasible.
At this moment, the nuclear radiation triggered a reaction in the subspace anomaly. Expanding, it became evident that the object was, in fact, a phasic wormhole. CO Ailynn gave orders to continue trying to recover the landing party, but Ensign Tefin sensibly told her that they were dead, caught in the midst of a nuclear event, and that the safety of the crew was tantamount. Resigned, Ailynn directed the Electra into the wormhole. We emerged, heavily damaged but alive, at coordinates 66728.9/707542.2, deep within the Beta Quadrant. In the aftermath, critical damage was reviewed and 1 fatality was confirmed amongst the crew. All 20 senior officers were listed as Missing in Action.
While many were quick to dismiss the Damitarians as unstable and cast blame towards Marcus' laissez-faire approach to first contact, is my interpretation that these actions were not only predictable, but preventable. It was well known that the Damitarians were nuclear capable and highly aggravated. In the aftermath of these events, I recalled seeing the rage from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth representative outside the holodeck. I returned to the holodeck (now disabled) and recovered data from the memory logs (enclosed here) showing the simulation that Ltjr Ailynn had shown the representative and the God child. It appears she placed the child in command of a warship and engaged in simulated battles, involving the gruesome destruction of multiple vessels. When the representative left, he was calling someone about ''desecration'' and ''warlike'' behaviors. It is my belief that exposing their god child to such violence severely violated their personal beliefs and ethics which resulted in uncontrollable rage. I followed a hunch and poured through the event's passive sensor data during my free time. I found that there is a 94% probability that the initial explosion, as well as the first 5 warheads fired from the surface, originated from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth. It is my belief that these attacks were a response to cultural aggravation, a direct result of Ailynn's lackadaisical approach to what she considered an unimportant assignment. As such, the Electra's current situation is in large part due to the criminal negligence exhibited by Ltjr Aiylnn. The full sensor logs and my compiled findings can be found here.

Continue reading...

  1. On the Electra
  2. Personal Log on 47797.4
  3. Acting Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
  4. Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
    Stardate 2215.1
  5. Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7
  6. First Personal Log
    Feb 4, 2365: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth