First Personal Log by Tatiana | World Anvil

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Feb 4, 2365: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth

First Personal Log

by Tatiana Fox

Personal log, February 4th.
What am I supposed to do here... let's see... okay uh
The purpose of this log is "To record a first log detailing 'Your first week at Starfleet Academy, your travel here, an experience you had so far, or anything you like! Be sure to include details that bring the log to life. You can include things you liked, disliked, found challenging..." okay okay yadda yadda yada. This is stupid, no one listens to these anyways.
*Brief Pause*
Well, since no one is going to see it.
*Clears throat*
Captain's log, stardate 2495.71 and a half. We have recently come under attack by an unknown vessel of unknown origin. It is massively powerful, equipped with at least 30 phaser arrays and hundreds of torpedoes. Our shields are no match for their armaments! Emergency power is failing rapidly. The first officer and 134% of the other crew are dead or missing. The computer estimates 45 seconds to complete hull failure. Perhaps worst of all, I don't have a seatbelt. How can I be expected to survive complete hull failure in the vacuum of space, surrounded by torpedo fire, without a seatbelt? Yes, the situation does seem grim. However, I have one final trick up my sleeve. Thanks to my state-of-the-art training in Command 101, under the direction of Professor Greggor, I know that I can use "the most powerful tool for a Starfleet officer", the personal log. If I simply record these events, surely I will gain the wisdom and insight to get myself out of this situation and save my crew. Yes, my structural failure in... Hey 22.2 seconds, make a wish, right?... can surely be averted if I trust in my log to save me. It will even be able to defeat my unknown adversaries. So fortunate am I that I got to train under an instructor of such vast wisdom as Professor Greggor, long may he reign! With that note, I shall sign off. I am anxious to see how my most powerful tool will get me out of this mess.