Acting Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4 by Tatiana | World Anvil

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Mon 26th Sep 2022 07:34

Acting Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4

by Tatiana Fox

Acting Tactical Officer's Log. Stardate 100310.77

As the highest ranking tactical officer on the bridge of the USS Electra that was not beaming down to Damitar 4 to engage in the peacetime celebrations, Captain Marcus ordered Lt. Ailyn, Ensign Teffin, Ensign Vash, and Ensign Fontaine to serve as the acting bridge crew until the senior officers returned from the planet's surface. Ensign Teffin manned the science console, Ensign Vash the engineering console, and Ensign Fontaine served as helmsman. Additionally, I came along.

For the first 4 hours and 37 minutes of the shift, nothing of note occurred. I performed a routine diagnostic on the ship's system and discovered a minor power inefficiency in the tertiary auxiliary deflector matrices. We reported the inefficiency to engineering and a crewmen was assigned to address the issue. Additionally, Ensign Teffin made attempts to scan a subspace anomaly that they had been unable to scan earlier in the day. This scan, despite the efforts by Ensign Vash to boost the scanning signal, was unable to detect the nature of the anomaly but ascertained its size to be approximately 3km in radius. Lt. Ailyn ordered Ensign Teffin to continue to monitor the subspace anomaly and report any changes immediately.

Then, 5 hours and 14 minutes into the shift, our scanners detected a massive localized burst of energy from the surface of Damitar 4. Immediately, Ailyn contacted Petty Officer Mostafa to beam up all personnel located on the surface of the planet. However, Petty Officer Mostafa was unable to lock on to their signal. She ordered the ship to enter red alert and informed all crew to proceed to battle stations. In the intervening seconds, the surface of Damitar 4 was completely lit up by nuclear detonations. Additionally, 5 interplanetary ballistic missiles had been fired from the planets surface and were inbound towards the USS Electra. With shields at max, Ailyn ordered Ensign Fontaine to initiate evasive maneuvers and increase our orbit as quickly as possible. We began taking hits from the interplanetary nuclear missiles and our shields were depreciated to 33%. She ordered Ensign Vash to divert auxiliary power to the transporter room in an attempt to get a lock on our officers. Unfortunately, a signal was unable to be found. The ship took serious damage to both nacelles and the upper hull plating. Non-essential systems were taken offline and decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated. Power was diverted to the shields and restored to 60%. However, our warp-drive was badly damaged and the engines were only capable of running on impulse.

The subspace anomaly was then identified as a wormhole. Lt. Ailyn ordered Ensign Fontaine to steer the ship directly into the center of the wormhole at full impulse power. Before entering, we made one last attempt to beam any surviving officers aboard the USS Electra, to no avail. The journey through the wormhole caused more damage to the warpdrive.

We emerged on the other side at 66728.9/707542.2 in the beta quadrant. From our current position it will take 4 months at warp 9 to return to federation space. With subspace relays, communication to and from the USS Electra will take 3 days.

On the USS Electra there were 13 casualties and 1 fatality. Ensign Thiago of engineering was lost during our escape. Additionally, 20 senior crew are missing in action as presumed dead. The captain, commander, 2 lieutenant commanders, 7 lieutenants, and 9 lieutenant junior grades. At this current moment, Lt. Ailyn is the most senior officer aboard the ship.

The next step is to assess damage, a task already underway and headed by the acting Chief of Engineering, Ensign Vash. Duty rosters will need to be evaluated and revised and the crew will have to learn how to operate and run the ship without 21 of its own aboard.

End of Log

Tatiana Fox, Ensign
Acting Chief of Excellence of the USS Electra

Continue reading...

  1. On the Electra
  2. Personal Log on 47797.4
  3. Acting Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
  4. Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
    Stardate 2215.1
  5. Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7
  6. First Personal Log
    Feb 4, 2365: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth