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Fri 3rd Mar 2023 04:29

A House Party!!

by HeadMaster Piper WaterGlider

Sally's House party is today!! Finally, something to do after all these days of hard work. My school will be opening soon, and the library and lecture halls are almost done!! Ramsworth has helped me clear out the main cave, and I'm getting ready to have staff interviews after I build the labs.
I arrived at the party after I had gotten some work done at the school. I was covered in bits of stone and dirt, but I brushed myself off and said hello. They had me submit my axe and sword, but I didn't mind. Nothing would hurt me there...correct?
That was until Aeolos showed up. Fire, screaming, everyone running. I had dragged Leaf and Sally to Novas house, as apparently that winged bastard was looking for them. I am writing this as I am about to leave, to see if it was safe for them to return. I will update my journal later.
-Until next time, Goose