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Sat 11th Mar 2023 04:38

A Fairy!!

by HeadMaster Piper WaterGlider

Yesterday was quite.. interesting to say the least. Ramsworth, Rekker and I tried to build a conduit near the tree, but it only made the corruption worse. So, Ramsworth and I decided to start on the tunnel for the school. Whilst we were down there, a little blue fairy flew in, calling out our names... It was Blim! I hadn't seen Blim since I first joined! She explained she has been in hiding for a while, but not to dig in the corruption site. It will only make it worse, and since Fuoko was digging so much in there... Apparently she was sent to Virk. I didn't understand if she was exiled, but I hope she's alright.
I also held a dinner party! Since there's soon to be a mild food shortage, I thought I'd share some of what I had to see if we could obtain a sense of normalcy. Rekker and Ranger, though, thought Ramsworth and I were flirting! I enjoy Ramsworth's company, but I think becoming partners is too soon. I've only known him for a week or two, and there's so much I still need to learn...
I just need to finish my school and hopefully everything will sort itself out.
Until next time
~Goose Waterglider