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Sat 4th Mar 2023 04:17

Abandoned and Bloodied

by HeadMaster Piper WaterGlider

That asshole did it. I finally pushed him too far. To think he wouldn't let an insignificant piece of his plan, a pawn, tease him and mock him until he broke. Here I lay on the stone, bleeding out due to a gash on my shoulder and near my beak. He set me aflame as I fought for my life.
He didn't kill me. That deal is too much for him to let go of.
But he locked me in his childhood home, still bloody from the first time murder had taken place there. I'm going to starve here, but it will be funny to watch his face turn pale as the bloodied, fly-ridden body of his first victim lay in the very place he lived as a fledgling.
I'm sure Ramsworth and Leaf will find me first, though. I know it. They saw me after I lay in that cave where I was hidden from Fuyoko. They're hungry for blood, and frankly.... So am I.
Until Next Time
~Goose WaterGlider