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Mon 13th Mar 2023 05:31


by HeadMaster Piper WaterGlider

My illness is getting worse and worse. My throat feels so sore, and I have these weird instincts. I randomly made a nest room today, and just seemed drawn to the south side of town. It seemed to have worried Ramsworth and Rekker, but I'm sure it's fine, right?
But it's not. I decided to try to sleep it off, but I started to vomit. It burned, it hurt, and I knew I couldn't keep this up on my own. I can hardly hold my axe to fight off the aggressive creatures of the night. I slid through the tunnels, it took forever. I'm usually so quick, fleet-footed. I feel like a rock, it took me almost 20 minutes to walk through our tunnel. He took me in, Ranger and Rekker also helping me. I'm so tired, and I hate being coddled and getting pity by others. As much as I hate to say it, but I hate being dependent...
My feelings for Ramsworth are becoming a bit more clear, and I'm afraid. Not of him, but of what would happen if we... I don't know. I just feel like it'd be another thing for someone to use against me. I don't know why I'm thinking this, why am I so untrusting?