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17th of Arbos, 9982

The Battle of Guff's Tower

by Arcmage Ernaldis Mordenkinen

We made it to Derelorn. Orcs attacked just outside of the town, as the merchant said they would. Theseus heated the metal of their leader's armor. He quickly surrendered and was interrogated. His name was Brescar, and he told us that the humans of the town had broken a treaty with them. Theseus pushed to let him go in hopes that Brescar would prove useful to us in the near future.
We made it into the town, and the villagers plead with us to fix their orc problem. They are not wining this battle. We purchased rooms in the Tavern, then I left to visit the town's wizard. I was met by Johandri, who told me that the wizard, Guff, is quite ill. No treatment has been able to alleviate his symptoms. I returned to the tavern, and Theseus caught wind of Guff's condition. He takes it upon himself to cure him, and so buys a Scroll of Lesser Restoration from the merchant. He returns, saying that the scroll failed to cure him. At this point, I suspected magic was responsible for the ailment, and left for the tower to attempt an Identify ritual. The sheriff of Derelorn insisted on accompanying me, for some reason. My ritual began, and the sheriff grew bored, so he departed to drink some water. My ritual completed, I discovered Guff was under the effects of Animate Dead. Johandri was a necromancer. Snar nearly killed us all in the ensuing battle, but Johandri was subdued.
We found documents in Guff's study which indicate the humans weren't responsible for the violations of the truce. They also spoke of artifacts of incredible power, the Masks of Destiny. Guff feared what would happen if they fell into the wrong hands. Johandri's hands. We must proceed carefully, for many of evil intent will seek to wield the power of the masks for their own gain, to the detriment of all.
Samantha found the deed to Guff's tower at some point. Does that make her the owner of the tower? I need to research the laws of this land. For now, the locals seem to honor Samantha and Theseus's claim to the tower. I am staying the night here as well. I was going to make use of my room at the inn, but the sheriff sent guards to question me about the documents we recovered from Guff's tower. It isn't my fault if he looses things! He is becoming increasingly hostile, and this perimeter is not secure. The only downside is, I will likely have to share the tower with Snar. I don't know which is more dangerous.

Continue reading...

  1. A Strange Meeting
    1st of Arbos,
  2. The Battle of Guff's Tower
    17th of Arbos, 9982
  3. Jail Break
    18th of Arbos, 9982
  4. Departure from Derelorn
    19th of Arbos, 9982
  5. Arrival in Kingsreach
    24th of Rasaabe, 9982
  6. Arrival in Erribus
    57th of Ohm 9982
  7. Unwelcome Reunion
    58th of Ohm, 9982