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18th of Arbos, 9982

Jail Break

by Arcmage Ernaldis Mordenkinen

Snar got arrested last night. The lunatic went even crazier than usual, running through the streets screaming about colorful chickens, and spraying magic everywhere. I could hear the racket from the top of the tower. Nearly killed a few of the guards while he burned an outhouse down too. I can't fathom why Theseus kept him around for so long. He took refuge from the guards in the tower. The sheriff surrounded the tower, but was unable to breach my defenses. He then called up to me that he has come to apprehend Snar. Snar proceeded to taunt them! Not only that, but he insisted on barging in to the room I was studying in to do it! I shoved him out the window to the awaiting guards below, and returned to reading Guff's journal.
When I descended from the study chamber this morning, I found Samantha sleeping soundly next to a bear, which was absolutely coated in Joyroot, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Am I associating with drug addicts? That would certainly explain Snar, as well as this display. Perhaps some of their other mannerisms as well. I'll have to keep an eye on them.
A warforged named Wealth attempted to free Johandri of his cell today. Ha was quickly subdued, and interrogated. He revealed that he and Johandri were responsible for the breakdown in relations between the humans and orcs. Somehow, Theseus managed to persuade Wealth to follow him, and the guards to let him go! How?!
The Sheriff has renewed his search for his missing documents, because they are needed to prove that the humans had not violated the truce. I understand his goals, and might be more sympathetic if he hadn't accuse me.
After that debacle, Johandri and Snar managed to escape their cells together. I heard another commotion, and looked out the window to see them flying away from the jail. Snar seemed to have a change of heart near the outskirts of town, and turned on Johandri. As the guards subdued him, I dispatched the villain with a well placed firebolt. He knew too much about the masks to be allowed to live. It had to be done. Snar was sent back to jail, to be tried for a whole slew of crimes tomorrow. Good riddance. Snar was a liability. Perhaps I will even be able to finish going through these notes uninterrupted. We will have to control information carefully.

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  1. A Strange Meeting
    1st of Arbos,
  2. The Battle of Guff's Tower
    17th of Arbos, 9982
  3. Jail Break
    18th of Arbos, 9982
  4. Departure from Derelorn
    19th of Arbos, 9982
  5. Arrival in Kingsreach
    24th of Rasaabe, 9982
  6. Arrival in Erribus
    57th of Ohm 9982
  7. Unwelcome Reunion
    58th of Ohm, 9982