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58th of Ohm, 9982

Unwelcome Reunion

by Arcmage Ernaldis Mordenkinen

The militia arrived in the morning. We joined forces to drive off the remainder of the warped wolves. We discovered that the wolves were not the result of the plague, but of cursed soup. Furthermore, we deduced the source of the town's woes was coming from under them, in the sewers.
There, we found none other than Johandri. He was finishing some manner of infernal ritual on Snar, whom he had apparently abducted at some point the previous day. I knew it had been too quiet. The ritual turned him into a hulking beast. Though he was much more physically formidable this way, his magical talents were entirely absent, and he somehow managed to loose intelligence. I didn't think he could do that. Theseus charmed them both temporarily, and we dispatched them with what he as taken to calling a "friendship circle". We all surround a single charmed enemy, and prepare a salvo. Neither lasted long in the onslaught.
We stabilized both of them after the battle. Theseus wanted his pet back, and I wanted to know how Johandri was still alive. He was interrogated, and revealed that he was responsible for both the semi-werewolves and the plague. He surrendered the means to cure it, but couldn't say how he had managed to work a new magic. He didn't know how he had done it, and it also involved several infernal interactions. But I now know there is a way. Furthermore, he had information leading him to the location of another mask. It isn't in the same direction as the Mask of Divination is directing us, but he needn't know that. He also revealed that he worked with Shay, for the Jarl of Ganth. It is disheartening to know such a powerful and well connected individual is our opponent, but at least there is only one, at least for now. I decided against killing him again. If we did, Ganth would just raise him, and he would be free to work against us. If we imprisoned him, we would escape, or else be set free. Besides, I can't question him about spellcraft if any of those things happen. He stays with us. I don't trust him, but he knows that he is becoming less and less likely to get aid from Ganth, and that he can't best us. The weight of our blade upon his shoulder keeps him loyal, but at least he is loyal.
We will follow his information, and keep a watchful eye on him. Johandri is no fool, and he must be looking for an escape.

Continue reading...

  1. A Strange Meeting
    1st of Arbos,
  2. The Battle of Guff's Tower
    17th of Arbos, 9982
  3. Jail Break
    18th of Arbos, 9982
  4. Departure from Derelorn
    19th of Arbos, 9982
  5. Arrival in Kingsreach
    24th of Rasaabe, 9982
  6. Arrival in Erribus
    57th of Ohm 9982
  7. Unwelcome Reunion
    58th of Ohm, 9982