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19th of Arbos, 9982

Departure from Derelorn

by Arcmage Ernaldis Mordenkinen

My companions vacated the tower this morning, to defend that mad bomber at trial. I don't know how they did it, but it was nice to have a moment for everything to just be still, and quiet.
I have made a few discoveries, while going over Guff and Johandri's notes. It would seem that one of these masks can be found in a cave near the orc's settlement. Is that why Johandri set them against the humans? To steal the mask in the ensuing chaos? I would have tried stealth first, but the spellbook I took from him didn't have any spells to that effect. Still, this may not have been his first attempt. I also discovered Guff was going to speak with a contact in Erribus for the location of an additional mask.
Either way, we will had to move quickly. They managed to talk Snar out of execution, but he is banished now instead. So many problems could have been gone, and all they would have to do is nothing. But I digress. Theseus persuaded the orcs to let us into a cave near their camp. A magical effect seems to cause any orc who approaches the cave entrance to flee in terror. Everyone else seems unaffected. A ritual of Detect Magic revealed divination deep inside the cave. Very powerful divination magic, such that it overwhelmed the senses from a much greater distance than my spell should have been able to detect. I am shocked I couldn't sense it before. I, at first, thought that this divination aura was what caused the orcs such grief, but it turned out to be an unrelated axe, which was imbued with anti-orc enchantments. The aura instead came from the mask we sought, and I can see that the scrolls did not exaggerate the power contained within. Any who wear the mask will be able to prepare and cast a single divination spell of every spell level they have available to them. Additionally, the mask itself can hold concentration on a spell it casts, and people with no magical talent can use the mask just as effectively. Anyone could be a caster with these masks. On top of that, the mask has an additional effect of directing its wearer to the nearest mask. Theseus took up the mask and is pulled northward. We will have to find another before we know which, if any, of these effects is common across all of the masks. We leave tomorrow.

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  1. A Strange Meeting
    1st of Arbos,
  2. The Battle of Guff's Tower
    17th of Arbos, 9982
  3. Jail Break
    18th of Arbos, 9982
  4. Departure from Derelorn
    19th of Arbos, 9982
  5. Arrival in Kingsreach
    24th of Rasaabe, 9982
  6. Arrival in Erribus
    57th of Ohm 9982
  7. Unwelcome Reunion
    58th of Ohm, 9982