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24th of Rasaabe, 9982

Arrival in Kingsreach

by Arcmage Ernaldis Mordenkinen

We arrived in Kingsreach under the dancing lights of an aurora, any my ink vials have finally thawed enough for use. We found another group of people searching for the masks in the bar, soon after entering. Their leader goes by Shay. He conducted himself politely enough, but that was before either of us knew the other's purpose. Fortunately, he and his soldiers were none too bright. They faced us on the mountain, and were defeated easily enough. The others insisted on sparing their lives, despite the odds of them trying for the masks again.
Once they were dealt with, we entered the mouth of a cave, in which I detected a powerful source of abjuration. We found strange carvings of lizard-men and a spirit naga within. The mask was found on the face of a spirit naga, which was surrounded by the animated corpses of lizard-folk. Samantha insisted on not dispatching the threat while it was disabled by Dancing Lights, which lead to a rather difficult battle. Theseus has thus named her the Honorable Thief
Eventually, we made it out with our prize: the Mask of Abjuration. It has similar spellcasting properties to the Mask of Divination, casting and concentrating on abjuration spells. Fortunately, the ability to find other masks is not included, suggesting we have the only means of finding them reliably. This mask's secondary property seems to be instilling caution in the user, who becomes slower to act, but faster to react defensively. I have taken this mask, and discovered another wondrous property: spells cast by the masts do not require material components, even consumed components. Where does it get the components? Or does it somehow circumvent the need of them? Fascinating.

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  1. A Strange Meeting
    1st of Arbos,
  2. The Battle of Guff's Tower
    17th of Arbos, 9982
  3. Jail Break
    18th of Arbos, 9982
  4. Departure from Derelorn
    19th of Arbos, 9982
  5. Arrival in Kingsreach
    24th of Rasaabe, 9982
  6. Arrival in Erribus
    57th of Ohm 9982
  7. Unwelcome Reunion
    58th of Ohm, 9982