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Tue 2nd Feb 2021 08:25

Folly of Lords

by Patience a.k.a. 'Sabali' In the Shadows

The folly of Lords is a puzzle of sorts,
For they seem to have troubles so plenty,
For each little problem that most of us face,
Some Lords will often have twenty!
One Lord of such kind, with a curious mind,
Far too often receives luck unpleasant,
Others more foolish, poor and less prudish,
Have such fortune and they are mere peasants!
The issue I think, is simple as pie,
For these Lords are just too inquisitive,
Most common men, simply live and then die,
Ask less questions, and much less acquisitive.
Unwanted meetings, where a letter will do,
Could find a slap or a beating with rods!
For Lords may possess power, wealth and much coin,
But they still bleed, and must kneel before Gods.
Similarly so, one thing you must know,
Despite all their jewels and their swagger.
Far from immortal, when knocked they will fall,
...Lords can still die by the dagger.