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Tue 8th Jun 2021 08:12

Mercy not Murder

by Patience a.k.a. 'Sabali' In the Shadows

Kill first for glory ...council discarded is gentlemen failing.
Terrified certainly ...still standing not fleeing.
Warning without attacking ...and smiling menace hidden.
...though negotiate didn't we?
There was noise and questions no violence.
There was guilt no blood and malice.
Fearful face off-cut ...turned white of sheets ...drained of all blood.
Clues false directed ...poorly written words.
Sure doubt nay evil was he.
Known not what exactly crimes did he.
He needs saving not deserving death.
Followed one then doubting why ...kill to complete mission ...merciless orders these.
Pride my choosing over killing.
Mercy not murder ...choosing ...honour of life.