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Thu 31st Dec 2020 10:09

Proverbs of a Young Tabaxi Monk

by Patience a.k.a. 'Sabali' In the Shadows

A collection of quotes, proverbs and philosophical musings, from the Tabaxi known as 'Patience in the Shadows' aka Sabali.
"One who carries the meat, has a right to eat"
"Taverns possess the most remarkable power of coincidence"
"A wolf is only as strong as it's pack"
"Kings, Queens, Nobles and Lords, still fall to the ground if you hit them on the head"
"Good or Evil, no one wishes to be seen as a chicken"
"Charity given in the public eye, may hold motives unseen"
"Stealing happiness from tomorrow is a dangerous way to live"
"One's fate is never permanent, until it is"
"The one who is without sin, should not throw stones in the houses made of glass, or you might kill 2 birds!"
"It is good to ask questions, but also good to seek answers"
"Spiders are most terrifying when unseen"
"Even the most cunning spiders leave cobwebs in their wake"
"Never doubt the fury of a chef with no kitchen"
"The fly cannot trade with the spider"
"One should live young, and die fast"
"To steal from the gods, is to steal from yourself"
"The darkest shadows hold the deepest secrets"
"It is ok to hide from the enemy, so long as you don't hide forever"
"The path of redemption is rarely straight"
"Wizard, sorcerer, witch, paladin, warlock. These titles merely describe the manifestation of the magic which flows within us all"
"The sign of a wise fighter, is to know when to stop fighting"
"Bravery is to laugh in the face of death, but never to laugh at the dead"
"Even the kindest faces can be dishonest"
"Ones actions have consequences which rarely affect only oneself"
"Regret is the pessimist's way to describe learning"
"The magical allure of gold and riches, has varied effects depending on one's disposition"
"One could die at any moment. This is either a reason to always frown, or a reason to always smile"
"Most lizards will eat you if you give them a chance"
"Aqua gnolls are either a myth or a horrifying nightmare"
"Light shines brightest in the darkest caves"
"Sleep is where we are most peaceful but also most vulnerable"
"Those who wield great power, must have great accuracy"
"Even the mighty will fall with enough poison"
"A plague does not discriminate"
"If one is slow in combat, one should wear good armour"
"One cannot bury their dead in a swamp"
"Alchemy appears to be a form of magic which doesn't require magic"
"Devastating power can come is small packages"
"It can be fatal to underestimate a small dense object traveling at great speed"
"A Banshee's wail is seethed in pain, and also causes it"
"Raging rivers don't care if you are a good swimmer"
"A mentor can only teach so much, eventually one must learn from experience"
"Not all thieves are evil, but all who are evil are willing to steal"
"Even if a broken clock is correct twice a day, it was a coincidence and shouldn't be trusted"
"The glass is half full and also half empty"
"We cannot always choose how we die, but we can choose how we live"
"Life is like a box of chocolates, everything is trying to eat you"
"If you live by the sword, you could still die of the plague"
"Silver tongues often talk of treasure"
"The brain is often unaware of the heart's deepest desires"
"To devote time to question the very essence of existence whilst trapped in this plane, is like searching for stars while trapped in a cave. You will never find them, but it is comforting to believe they are somewhere out there, and discussing them brings hope you might one day escape the cave and witness their beauty"
"Clouds of the mind obscure the truth far more than cloud of the sky"