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Fri 14th May 2021 01:08

A prayer to Feng

by Patience a.k.a. 'Sabali' In the Shadows

Master Feng Li.
This one has never attempted to contact you before, but there is troubling news for which one may require guidance.
This one is Sabali, student of the Shade Temple disciple to 63rd Master Kenji the blind.
The troubling news; The Hollow Man returns. One knows little about this other than legend, but one knows that The Hollow Man is somehow connected to The Raven Queen to whom you are bound in servitude.
Please, if you can hear me, one needs guidance. Should this one be concerned? Should this one act decisively? Is there evil afoot, which requires this one's expertise? Please show this one the way.
This one wishes to prove himself worthy and fulfil the oath made to the Shade Temple.