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Tue 17th Jan 2023 06:18


by Shest

We should've spent the night in Termalaine and travelled during the day.
We should've hunkered down when the blizzard hit.
We should've run when the troll turned up.
We should've done a lot of things but we didn't.
We managed to drive the troll away but not before it had caused a lot of damage... My injuries will heal but for Baradin it's too late.
We've made arrangements with the local priest here in Targos for a warrior's funeral, I tend to avoid churches for obvious reasons but Father Peter seemed like a good man and Baradin was proof enough that not all religious folks are necessarily the type to rain down holy fire. Our intention was to stay here and attend the funeral tomorrow but now something else has come up and time is of the essence so I'm writing this while tending to the worst of my injuries and while Lirin let's Father Peter know that we have to leave town. We'll be setting out for Kelvin's Cairne in the next half hour.