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Sat 26th Nov 2022 01:36

Unusual Kobolds

by Shest

Well the mines are cleared though the circumstances are still a little unusual.
We encountered a group of giant feral rats, Baradin killed one of them and the others retreated, they don't really qualify as monsters and I suspect they simply stay out of the way and aren't an issue when the miners are active. Seems like they've expanded their territory a bit since the miners left and we encroached on it. Of bigger concern was the Grell on the second level of the mines, clearly it had fed on at least one kobold and perhaps also the miner that went missing before the kobolds arrived. It tried to add Lirin to it's diet but we were able to dispatch it without too much trouble. Interesting paralytic venom, I tried to harvest some of it but it seems like it looses potency quickly when the creature's death - I wasn't able to gather a viable sample.
Now onto the actual monsters we were being paid to deal with. We did have to eliminate two of the kobolds when they ambushed us but when we found their leader Trex he immediately surrendered, begged forgiveness and claimed that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Trex acted very strangely for a kobold - he spoke common very eloquently and seemed surprisingly well educated, he was also very protective of a herb pouch (though I took a look and it did seem like just mundane herbs). Despite the suspicious behaviour the kobolds all legitimately seemed like they were just trying to survive after a yeti attack had driven them from their home; they were willing to work so we agreed to take them to town and present them to Speaker Masthew who would decide if they could join the town or if they needed to move on elsewhere.
Before leaving the mine I did check one last chamber - within it was a partially excavated skull. I'm by no means an expert on skulls but it clearly wasn't human, elf, dwarf or any other race I am familiar with, the eye sockets were oversized and the cranium was elongated. It was unique enough that I decided to see if I could loosen it to show to my companions, but as soon as I touched it the thing crumbled to dust revealing a strange purple gemstone.*
So we got the kobolds back to Termalaine and discussed the matter with Speaker Masthew, we forewarned him about the odd behaviour of Trex but he was willing to give the kobold's a chance to prove themselves.
I feel we out did ourselves on this job - dealt with a Grell and not only did we remover the 'problem' of the kobolds but we turned them into a benefit for the town (hopefully)... Still, we agreed on fifty gold and it's much harder to haggle the price up after the fact.
Back at the Eastside now after a stop at the Blue Clam, Vernon's gumbo may not be on par with Ma's but whatever he puts in his rum really gives it a great taste, I should pick some up before we head out of town.
* I had an opportunity to attune to the gemstone and it seemed to act as some sort of psychic beacon. There's some sort of cry for help coming from miles to the south - might be worth investigating.