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Tue 17th Jan 2023 05:48

On the road to Targos

by Shest

We tied up loose ends in Lonelywood - leaving Sarnar with Anthony and Russel, he probably wouldn't get a warm reception in Ten Towns - and made sure that Speaker Nimsy knew that the moose would no longer be a problem. We explained that the real culprits were the druid sisters and that Anthony had been made to act against the townsfolk, she knows that as long as they don't go after him he will live them alone.
Other than collecting our pay there wasn't really much else to do in Lonelywood so we headed back to Termalaine to try and find more work. Unfortunately there wasn't really much there but Speaker Masthew did mention that an expedition was being set up from Targos to Kelvin's Cairne. Baradin was interested in the kobold caves (and maybe finding out what had happened to Trex) and we had a few other potential leads on work in the area as well so we'll be heading out for Targos in the next hour or so; we could wait until the morning but I don't fancy spending time in Targos at night, if we make good time we should get there just as the sun is coming up.