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Sat 26th Nov 2022 03:15

Trex's Tale

by Shest

Back in Termalaine last night we checked in with Masthew and the miners, seems like the kobolds have been working out well. Though when we asked about Trex the other kobolds mentioned they hadn't seen him for a while.
Coincidence or not, on the way back to Eastside we stumbled across a dishevelled and desperate Trex in an alleyway. We got some food in him and managed to get him talking - he certainly wasn't the same Trex we met before, no longer eloquent he seemed much more like the other kobolds. The last thing he remembered was his clan being attacked by a yeti and them fleeing into the wilderness - so that bit of their story seems to be true at least; I'm guessing that Trex stumbled across someone or something in their travels.
Genies have lamps, do demons or devils live in satchels? Did he find it and end up getting possessed?
We got Trex back to the relative safety of his clan, they'll look after him and hopefully he'll settle into Termalaine like the others have. Then we went back to the alley and tried to follow some tracks - they were old but lead us to a house and then seemingly out of town to the East.
Too late to do anything else we headed to bed for the night.
This morning we explained the situation to Speaker Masthew , as best I can tell whatever was possessing Trex has upgraded to a militia member named Orin and left town. The trail is too old to follow but at least Masthew knows to be on guard if Orin returns.
And now we're just about to head out to Lonelywood where there are apparently rumours of wild animals being... well... more wild? Shouldn't take us more than an hour or so to get there.