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Tue 18th Jul 2023 09:28

Captain's log 6

by Varanus

I cant ever seem to find myself a break after all that's gone on here. Every time I look over my shoulder never just hey get what you need so you can leave... that Loxodon party. What a certainly interesting place i seen plenty of party's but nothing of that nature had to walk thru goodness knows what just to talk with the chieftain. That being was certainly less than helpful for sure. but lucky that I had dexla's ingenuity those machines of hers will do some greatness for all of use soon enough. she did get us the money we deserved for such an adventure. Interesting how he didn't know about the cargo before hand seems the one who ordered didn't want to show up even after a second visit. That certainly a rude man to deal with no honor to a deal and that's hardly something to stand for. I guess that's why people dont trust humes as much at all just not reliable make people look like a fool. besides that drexla made very good with one of her warp tools i think she said we got a whole bag of money. Then look who the little man dragged in after everything we done to look for that big mess he shows up. Bricky that guy was with Miguel as a bodyguard huh wild.... but I did convince him to drink would I would have thought death potion it was hilarious. He passed out must have been a wild drink for him but bricky seemed off even more than normal he got all aggressive when we got close to Miguel. weird this place is weird...i dont trust anything here. bricky had this stone like a rock he must have picked it up while he was missin. nothing special about it honestly just a heavy rock, but we all kinda didn't look for was the upcoming fight. we all knew even tryin our best to talk it out it certain would be a blood bath. Before then drexla done hooked me up with here tech made me all the better it would pull back my knife its crazy neat . Never have i seen something like this its like magic kinda like Tobias spear. Then again it seems that someone else had other plans and killed one of the minotaur's and tried to frame it on us i cant speak for most of these landlubbers. it was a dirty kill to I wouldn't have done that it was bad maybe bogbean would tho. seems the chieftain was mad at us for this murder like we had something to do with it and everyone was fighting it. he challenged us all to a fight that was odd due to his reasoning to sick to tradition but man it lit a fire in some of these people close to me they didn't like his insults or talking. as soon as bricky pulled out that stone it like it controlled him and that's when the real fight began no chieftain just a fucking tentacle monster thingy. Then thats when it all went to hell in a handbasket honestly literally. It seems the dream world group didn't like about one this this shit it weird when i thought i got a good hit on one it didn't even shrug. I was struck by lighting from who knows where my goodness that hurt i could feel all my nerves go off im lucky to be standing as is. after fighting thru these nasty demons and ghost kids to get to the wagon i was slinging this knife all kinds of ways it was a dream of help. it seems my right hand man knew what he was doing and could smell the fish in the water because he help was direly needed to get thru this mess . i managed to catch up to the wagon in time that gold leonin was stealing it well, doing a piss poor job of it that's for sure. seems that bad blood really boiled up and they kick his ass and they wanted to take his with us. Drexla hates this leonin for what he did to her but Tobias and Luna are trying to stop her there are demons everywhere. when times come like this argument means nothing and I look to the rules I don't respect there authority over not killing him. So I did the only thing to stop it all strike down this dead man holding us up from moving on. but it seems the true goodness of someone's heart was the blood that stained my blade. It wasn't that of a leonin but yet that of luna to put herself in the way and knocked her clean out....not the first nor the last good soul blood on my hands but we started to move along all the same....I don't know how long that leonin will live but it certainly better have been worth it....we will have to see once we find out where we are goin to get away from this mess...