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Fri 23rd Jun 2023 06:28

Captains Log 5

by Varanus

what a hard fought battle that other team had. those were some angry bulls that for sure. I have never seen someone knockout the little green one before. i truly would have put my money down on them winning lucky for me they did by the skin of there teeth. that way to much stress for me at this point if they can lose then damn never anyone can. Then again there are sure to be more fighters as cunning as the last. the next battle will be teams that interesting. yet we still fight against each other maybe we can chat with there leader have a good show some other way. why cant life just be simple and give me what i need not all this nonsense. people talkin bout a dream work and a whole lotta whoopla to me but Tobias did get a new spear out of thin air so that's something. there is just more and more surprises and I certainly dont like those none. i never thought i would have to explain what feypowder is like a bunch of kids thinking i was the one rippin them apart. Don't be insane even tho that would make it cheaper to make overall so maybe jot that down as a improvement. Those weird hooded folk looking for my little crewmate is a big issue they seem way to precedent for there own good and also awful artist a child could have drawn better but it did have some ideas that for sure. I yet again with no need but to help some of my own went back to a miss....kree against my own will but i know she has a soft "spot" for me as do most of those kankoo do. drexla was looking for some kinda power rock not to sure never got that far but she certainly was the one to help even teller her about the quest about those animals. Now i must say after everything so far i never thought life would be worse but i...i learned a lesson today maybe i should stick less to helping then more killing people because I helped save drexla for those nut jobs...but i was on deaths door i could feel it getting ever so close.... i felt it all slipping away...but seems that people cane to help someone who they nothing about . maybe i can trust them....some.... with time can tell that. we still havnt found out anything on that weird kid and there murder shadow.