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3/11/782 - 3/12/782

First Test - Continued

by Kalyth

The group split up to cover more ground:
Icy Lagoon: Yzmir, Gest - (not known by character)
Staying at Lethal Inj: Jariah - (not known by character)
Dusty Mirage: Kaylth, Turin
Town - very diverse races - nagas, drow, dwarfs, undead, etc...
dusty mirage: festive, earthly colors, desert themeing, loud musicians in the back right corner
Two story - stairs in the back.
two barkeep - naga & firbolg
- Vampires afraid of something
- Scare that an inquistor made it into town, 8-10 days ago
- - Wearing long black coat with sygil/clasp in front. Helmet in front with gold/silver trimmings. Weapon at his hip. Taller than most, around 6 ft.
- - A vampire
- - Around main gate and fountain. Looked new in town. Locale guards interigated him. Had an inquisitor's crossbow
table 1 - dragonborn & lizard folk - more professional
table 2 - Cobalt - commoner clothes
- haven't left scourge valley recnetly
- Underground black market within the scourge, could be useful
- - Gloomy Clover: a place that trades in rarer items.
One house is hunting the Alavor house
Alavor house is seen as one of the highest. They are somewhat deserved of their fate according to the populous becaues Alavor look down on others
Crossbow bolt in alley. Extremelly detailed arrowhead. Tip of arrowhead is carved out of wood.
All individuals killed are wealthy, but hold no political power in the town.
Jariah - staying around the leathal injection. A stake out maybe.
Yzmir is very odd, stormed off after failing to retrieve what she wanted...

Continue reading...

  1. Meeting
  2. Four - pending
  3. Spire - start
  4. Others + More
  5. First Test
  6. First Test - Continued
    3/11/782 - 3/12/782
  7. First Test - Continued 2
  8. First Test - Continued 3
    3/12/782 - 3/13/782
  9. Meeting two - lackeys
  10. A start on the road - Crypt
    3/16/782 -3/17/782
  11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
  12. The Catacombs