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First Test

by Kalyth

Was at library for the past two days - learned some intesting information, failed to learn more about runes. Took the book to ask Vivian.
Aleister Drarcoon - Takes notes, could be useful for information
We've been tasked to investigate the disaperance of mutliple civilians - The town of Boonfall big bagged of mixed races.
All men, All very rich, all from the same family - Alavor, regulars, hold some power, people were guliable, all notable
The town of boonfall seems to be style over function. - changing the color of water and stylizing the lights.
Gest Alavor - Lead's us to scourge alley, called this due to segragation of vampires from the rest of town. The vampires seperated from the others.
Dusty Mirage - tavern, friendly/normal
Icy Lagoon - Better food, better company
Hellshoe - Casino
town is completely fine with vampires.
Lethal injection - Entertainment center is location of unsavory individuals in the alley
Moanika (monika) macabre - Weird, held a posistion of power within the establishment, mad the request to search.
Olicrete - Potential connections with the missing

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  1. Meeting
  2. Four - pending
  3. Spire - start
  4. Others + More
  5. First Test
  6. First Test - Continued
    3/11/782 - 3/12/782
  7. First Test - Continued 2
  8. First Test - Continued 3
    3/12/782 - 3/13/782
  9. Meeting two - lackeys
  10. A start on the road - Crypt
    3/16/782 -3/17/782
  11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
  12. The Catacombs