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Meeting two - lackeys

by Kalyth

Aleistar Dracoon
- Wears his nobility like a cloak. His clothing matches his attitude.
- wears glasses, half moons. Guady with appearnce and with money
Morgan dracoon
Wears long, flowing materials. Sensual in nature, with aragence that stems from her sensuality.
- "Shall we allow" - she will allow nothing
- I'm unsure if she is purposeful with her word play. "Enjoy the taste of Boonfall" - in junction with being a vampire
- ahh, esoteric musings of life, a fun game played by those who think they know enough and are too worthy to care.
- Intrigued about the unimportant aspects of people
- Actually a devil?
- So devils can be vampires as well...
- I wonder how far one can push before the line is toed.
Turin is now able to create skeleton servants. Has been working with Jariah to come up with a report for our investigation in Boonfall.
- pretty presumptuous when he said "i would like to Hear from you all"
- Jaraih places so much importance on bloodline, I have come to not care much for vampires.
Both Turin and Jariah are kissing up to the dracoons
A vampries bite can be cured, and Zeal is interested in it, huh.
and there is a doctor which can solve the issue -5th floor, doctor Lebion
What might happen if a group moving togehter all had different thoughts when moving through the spire?
I wonder how the spire works when you have no place in mind, how does the tower handle a lone wanderer.
- The stairs would not teleport you anywhere, you would proceed as if normal.
What would happen if you think of a place that doesn't exist or a place you know isn't there.
- Thinking about a place that isn't in the spire will send you to a place of similar design
- Thinking of a place that doesn't exisit will still take you to an aproximation of that place.
- Difficult to think of a place that doesn't exisit which may not be similar in likeness to any chamber I've already visited.
I wonder if times affect the destination of transportation.
- I'm not too sure how time affects the transport, I would like to know more.
Ezra personality hinges on the border of asinine and insanity to make a mix of something more than the sum of either parts, I would hate to be a student if he was the teacher.
Into the Crypt of Archinaal - We're Meeting with a lich for more information
- High lich serving under the lords.
- A hallway, void of light, that leads to a door with a soft light peaking from underneat the rim. Looks to be a castle door.
- A partial skeleton with orgons and muscles still vaguely there. The cloak covers most of this body, besides his head.
Multiple black pole lamps with candle flames that litter the room. Made from rough gray brick.
It's very dim, old book shelves lay in the back, indiscrimitely used, some are well used some are not.
A tall metal pole in the middle with hanging skeletons from the pole.
I have sawdust and an ignition source.

Continue reading...

  1. Meeting
  2. Four - pending
  3. Spire - start
  4. Others + More
  5. First Test
  6. First Test - Continued
    3/11/782 - 3/12/782
  7. First Test - Continued 2
  8. First Test - Continued 3
    3/12/782 - 3/13/782
  9. Meeting two - lackeys
  10. A start on the road - Crypt
    3/16/782 -3/17/782
  11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
  12. The Catacombs