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Continuing on the road - Crypt

by Kalyth

The Valley
-A thick black smoke almost like a storm cloud. They're condensing within the valley.
-Humanoid figure within black smoke, it's atop something
-an Armored figure atop a horse, very dark all together. Looked like a dark night.
-Was the black storm/fog used by the figure as a weapon?
the crypt
-denser magic
-large entrance
-tapers up into a triangle, with multiple different layers.
-A stone ramp that leads up to an enclosure, that looks similar to a courtyard
Inside the Crypt
-Floor is lined with cobble, there is a second and thrid floor that wrap around the edges of the walls,
-Cloaked figures that move about the different floors of the crypt
-large statues in the area, two mirrored of a humonid figure with a sword, staff, and sheild. His face is shrowded by a hood.
-a bunch of different paintins across the walls, different landscapes from across the country.
-A heavy metal door, with a skeleton receptionist that guards it.
The Birds
-something crusehd them? or they fell from a high distance.
-probably drawn to the black figure due to hunger, died due to repercussions.
-Why does a skeleton need to wear glasses?
-what is he reading?
-what's the point to having him be the guard to the crypt.
-Do all skeletons have names based upon actions they do?
-how do they track all the people that bring stuff through. I'm wondering can they detect stuff that's been polymorphed or sallowed?

Continue reading...

  1. Meeting
  2. Four - pending
  3. Spire - start
  4. Others + More
  5. First Test
  6. First Test - Continued
    3/11/782 - 3/12/782
  7. First Test - Continued 2
  8. First Test - Continued 3
    3/12/782 - 3/13/782
  9. Meeting two - lackeys
  10. A start on the road - Crypt
    3/16/782 -3/17/782
  11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
  12. The Catacombs