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First Test - Continued 2

by Kalyth

Gest - Said he knew where the Gloomy Clover was located. Was not upfront abou it, very subtle.
Jariah - Tracked a Alivor, is able to cast change form. Can imitate the Alivor if needed to.

  • The Alivor is named Favlo.

  • - Was at leathal Injection and fit the description. Someone might have been following him.

  • Dvalto Alivor - the individual who was believed to be an inquisitor
  • 9 Days ago from Sat, 3/12/782 A.S.F

  • No corrarlation to any official chruch

  • Had defeated an inquistor in battle and took the uniform

  • Just visiting town

  • the bolt is unlike any normally found in town

  • Might live in Scrouge Alley

  • Jariah theory
  • - Jariah had Pummel of a silver dagger a heart being pierced by what looks to be a light

  • Inquisitor killed Dvalto

  • impersinating Dvalto and is killing others in the city

  • Bolt that Zeal found
  • Came from north of the alley, the driection we are coming from

  • Gloomy Clover
  • came in 4 days ago from 3/12/782 A.S.F

  • came in to trade things for magic items

  • traded in a holy symbol of a chruch

  • stiching on his jacket

  • clean smell about him

  • large amount of coin

  • 5'8. Thin black hair. Guant features/thin. Hunch

  • Dvalto aquired

  • - a plus 1-3 weapon

  • - violatire concoction of alchemist fire

  • - Spell scroll of second level

    Homeless people have a cabal among them. Trade information between them. Connected with each other

    Continue reading...

    1. Meeting
    2. Four - pending
    3. Spire - start
    4. Others + More
    5. First Test
    6. First Test - Continued
      3/11/782 - 3/12/782
    7. First Test - Continued 2
    8. First Test - Continued 3
      3/12/782 - 3/13/782
    9. Meeting two - lackeys
    10. A start on the road - Crypt
      3/16/782 -3/17/782
    11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
    12. The Catacombs