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3/16/782 -3/17/782

A start on the road - Crypt

by Kalyth

The stairs, prioritize one person while walking within a group possibly, or Maybe the group is viewed as one entity if enough are thinking of the same place?
For the stairs, if you don't have an an image in mind, or are not thiking about anything, while walking you will always just proced to the intended level. Even if your intent is to travel somewhere else, you need an image.
The skeleton key might play a facor into where the stairs take someone.
- High lich serving under the lords.
- A hallway, void of light, that leads to a door with a soft light peaking from underneat the rim. Looks to be a castle door.
- A partial skeleton with orgons and muscles still vaguely there. The cloak covers most of this body, besides his head. The head is halfway between living and decomposing.
Vyn'Lal's room
Circular desk with a hole in the middle for the person to sit at. A bunch of trinkets, papers, oddities. Skeletons of different species are hanging from the room.
Multiple black pole lamps with candle flames that litter the room. Room is made from rough gray brick.
It's very dim, old book shelves lay in the back, indiscrimitely used, some are well used some are not.
Crypt of Archinaal:
Off to the east. Bulit into the mountains. Most likely very hidden.
Travel by twilight, as the dark brings danger in the form of creatures.
Notes on the crypt
Enter crypt, the layberinth is ever changing, the lifeforms are very inconsistant? How can an ecosystem function if the inhabitents making it up are not a constant force. They come forth from mana?
Very similar to a maze.
The mana resuiding in the crypt is extremely dense, however it varys by a bit within the crypt. Changes enviroment, and other as well. Most likely the creatures in the crypt will be very strong and annoying.
Changes to the layberinth take place at the maxiumum of a day. We should not stay for longer than a day, as it will be more difficult to map out.
I will draw a quick copy of the map and any additional routes to the crypt.
The Spire Lands - The mountains close to the Crypt
Not too much fanua, the wind is very low to the grounds, almost dead.
A very odd assortment of different fanua and plants. Non-typical aquatic plants and coral systems are here and there, more towards higher elevations.
Black Puddle
A deep black puddle, normally used by undead as an ambush setup. It's entirely just mud, there is no magical nature within the puddle, it's literally only used for cover.
The black puddle was actually ichor, and hide in it ichor beasts of a sort?

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  1. Meeting
  2. Four - pending
  3. Spire - start
  4. Others + More
  5. First Test
  6. First Test - Continued
    3/11/782 - 3/12/782
  7. First Test - Continued 2
  8. First Test - Continued 3
    3/12/782 - 3/13/782
  9. Meeting two - lackeys
  10. A start on the road - Crypt
    3/16/782 -3/17/782
  11. Continuing on the road - Crypt
  12. The Catacombs