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28th of Ches,1489


by Ernaldis Mordenkainen

It cannot be said that I have gained nothing from this journey, even if the mine is not recovered. For instance, I am beginning to understand how adventurers gained their particular reputations. One of the members in the party is related to the owner of the Alderleaf Farm, and allowed several other room to stay there. Preferring a more subdued atmosphere than surrounds some of those, I elected to stay at the Stonehill Inn instead. It seems I made a most wise decision, as I've heart one of the goblins attempted to murder their hostess. We shall have to be very vigilant when traveling with them in the future.
Unrelated to the above incident, upon reaching town, I had occasion to summon Petri again. I had not realized how attached to him I had become. He was most indignant about the entire affair. Apparently, it has been quite some time since damage forced from this plane. I shall endeavor to prevent repeat occurrences. This will be no easy feat, as this town is more dangerous than one would otherwise suspect.

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  1. A Journey Begins
    23rd of Ches,1489
  2. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches,1489
  3. Arrival
    28th of Ches,1489
  4. The Woodcarver's Hut
    29th of Ches,1489
  5. The Sleeping Giant Inn
    30th of Ches,1489
  6. The end of the Redbrands
    1st of Tarsakh 1489
  7. The Demise of Glasstaff
    1st of Tarsakh 1489