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1st of Tarsakh 1489

The end of the Redbrands

by Ernaldis Mordenkainen

Today marked the cessation of the Redbrands' interference in our pursuits and explorations. Their continued provocations have, against my typical disposition, kindled a rare ire within me.
In a strategic maneuver reflective of our collective wisdom, the party opted to bifurcate our forces: one to engage directly at the forefront, and another to infiltrate via a clandestine passage. For optimal coordination, Vladrek and I, leading the respective contingents, exchanged our familiars, leveraging their mystical bond for seamless communication. This approach, both novel and effective under the prevailing circumstances, merits consideration for future endeavors. The initial engagement unfolded with a degree of efficacy, though it was marred, regrettably, by Matthias' continued challenges in close combat. This recurring issue prompts a reevaluation of our tactical deployment and the potential for further combat training or alternative strategic roles.
Seizing the opportunity presented by our capture of a Redbrand, I employed my most recent arcane advancement: Detect Thoughts. The brigand's psyche was disturbingly aberrant, a condition I find myself reluctant to explore further without pressing necessity. Despite the discomfort, our inquiry revealed insights into the Redbrands' evolution from mere banditry to a nascent militaristic entity, albeit the prisoner's knowledge was limited on matters of strategic import.
I could delve deeper into the intricacies of today's encounters, but the exigencies of our quest dictate a brief respite. Our brief interlude of rest approaches its end, and we must ready ourselves for the challenges that await. The eradication of the Redbrand threat not only removes a significant obstacle from our path but also sets the stage for our continued pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

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  1. A Journey Begins
    23rd of Ches,1489
  2. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches,1489
  3. Arrival
    28th of Ches,1489
  4. The Woodcarver's Hut
    29th of Ches,1489
  5. The Sleeping Giant Inn
    30th of Ches,1489
  6. The end of the Redbrands
    1st of Tarsakh 1489
  7. The Demise of Glasstaff
    1st of Tarsakh 1489