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23rd of Ches,1489

A Journey Begins

by Ernaldis Mordenkainen

On the eve of my departure from Neverwinter, I am compelled to document the endeavor which beckons my beyond her walls. This journal, an extension of my thoughts and experiences, shall serve as a chronicle of a quest not just for arcane mastery, but for the unveiling of secrets long buried in the annals of history and magic. The impetus for this expedition is twofold:
Firstly, it is the pursuit of knowledge, a relentless drive that has defined my existence and purpose within the realms of magic and academia. The ancient art of spellcrafting, a domain where the echoes of the past hold keys to untold power and enlightenment, calls to me. It is my ambition, nay, my duty, to traverse the path laid by the great wizards of yore, to rediscover and forge new magics that have eluded even the most esteemed among my predecessors.
Secondly, it is the mystery of Phandalin and the Lost Mine of Phandelver that draws me forth from the sanctuary of study. The historical alliance between Phandalin and its neighbors, and the fate of the lost mine, are subjects ripe with potential for both academic exploration and the practical application of arcane knowledge.
The journey to Phandalin is not without its perils. The roads are fraught with bandits and creatures that lurk in the shadows, eager to prey on the unwary. The intrigue surrounding the Lost Mine, a relic of a bygone era when the arcane arts flourished unfettered, has long captivated my intellectual curiosity. It is here, within the forgotten depths of history, that I believe lies the key to transcending the current limitations of magical practice. The potential for discovering new spells, perhaps even forging new paths in the arcane arts, is a prospect too tantalizing to ignore.
In preparation for the journey, I have been hired by Gundren Rockseeker, a dwarf whose secretive demeanor belies the significance of his mission. His promise of gold for the safe escort of supplies to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin is but a mundane facet of a larger, more compelling narrative. Gundren's haste and the veiled references to "something big" hint at discoveries that could reshape our understanding of the arcane landscape.
On this eve of departure, as I prepare to step into the unknown, I am reminded of the words of the great Mordenkainen, who posited that the pursuit of knowledge is the noblest path a soul can tread. It is with this ethos that I embark, seeking not just the expansion of my own arcane repertoire, but the illumination of the unknown paths that lie in wait.

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  1. A Journey Begins
    23rd of Ches,1489
  2. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches,1489
  3. Arrival
    28th of Ches,1489
  4. The Woodcarver's Hut
    29th of Ches,1489
  5. The Sleeping Giant Inn
    30th of Ches,1489
  6. The end of the Redbrands
    1st of Tarsakh 1489
  7. The Demise of Glasstaff
    1st of Tarsakh 1489