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25th of Ches,1489

The Cragmaw Goblins

by Ernaldis Mordenkainen

Today's journey brought us into direct confrontation with the goblins of the Cragmaw tribe, an encounter that, while perilous, has yielded unexpected dividends in our quest towards the heart of Phandalin's mysteries. We were beset by the creatures on the road, and quickly dispatched the majority of them. With one left, my companions' aims turned to interrogation. Their efforts were frustrated by the fact none of us had lowered ourselves to learn the goblin tongue, when we made a new discovery: we had a stowaway in our wagon, a goblinoid named Rosamel. He claimed to have wanted passage to Phandalin, and thought he could stuff himself with the provisions he imagined to be loaded into our wagons. This was hardly an auspicious start to relations, but it was determined that our prisoner's insights were too crucial to miss. With Rosamel as translator, we eventually learned a surprising amount about the politics of the Cragmaw Tribe.
The tribe turned out to be responsible for pilfering many of the supplies bound for our destination, and had been directed by a mysterious benefactor (The Spider) to capture Sildar and Gundren. I must confess I have forgotten the significance of these two. I was present when this was discussed, but at the time Petri and I were having a spirited discussion about Ilighast's Between Worlds: An Exploration of the Astral Plane regarding methods one could use to orient oneself in such a space. Still, I am certain that they are important, as my companions universally seemed quite invested in their release.
Further, we discovered a rift within the tribe. There were loyalists to the chief, and there were religious fanatics of a twisted deity. Klarg displayed a level of leadership and a preference for negotiation over needless brutality, distinguishing him from his peers. It was this quality that swayed our decision to ally with him, recognizing a potential asset in the chaotic landscape of goblin politics. We concocted a cunning stratagem to slay the traitorous faction.
Yet, victory bore a cost that weighed heavily upon my heart. Petri, my faithful owl familiar, fell in the combat, a casualty of the chaotic fray. The absence of his silent companionship is a void that echoes with the somber reality of our quest. His loss, though not permanent, serves as a stark reminder of the perils that lace our path.
As I close this entry, the weight of today's events presses upon me, a burden tempered by the resolve to continue our quest. The path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, yet it is through these trials that we are forged. The loss of Petri, though temporary, will serve as a constant reminder of the sacrifices that accompany the pursuit of greatness. Upon reaching our destination, I shall take the necessary steps to summon him once more, reaffirming the indomitable will that defines us as practitioners of the arcane.

Continue reading...

  1. A Journey Begins
    23rd of Ches,1489
  2. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches,1489
  3. Arrival
    28th of Ches,1489
  4. The Woodcarver's Hut
    29th of Ches,1489
  5. The Sleeping Giant Inn
    30th of Ches,1489
  6. The end of the Redbrands
    1st of Tarsakh 1489
  7. The Demise of Glasstaff
    1st of Tarsakh 1489