Sun,13 December 2020 (cont)
Anton goes and looks over the balcony to see if there is any sign of the creature and sees the railing on the balcony below is bent as if something has hit it. Taking Oxford in tow, he goes downstairs to the room directly below and hacks the electronic lock while Oxford talks his way into the room next door.
Successfully hacking the lock, he finds the room dark and, looking out through the curtains, there is no sign that the creature either entered the room or even landed on the balcony.
A moment later, Maggot peers over the balcony from above holding a shotgun and asking what is going and who has been shooting.
With no further information available, Anton and Oxford head back upstairs to meet with Maggot. Oxford asks him to check the CCTV for any sign of a creature on the ground, and they then go back to their room. Larissa is tending to Malady, who tells us the creature is a tzimiscze and is responsible for making her a ghost. Anton confirms the creature is an enemy, to all of us, and asks Oxford to research the most effective way to bring one down, then sends Fat Larry a message advising he wants to order a magazine of 9mm dragon rounds and a shotgun with a dozen rounds of dragon fire shells. Larry advises they will be available for collection at midnight the following night.
In the meantime, Larissa is poking around the room looking for a strange buzzing sound she hears. After unplugging all the alarm clocks, she discovers another device with a non-operational clock attached to a stack of dynamite. Anton investigates (4 successes) and notes that the device has a motion sensor attached, which he attempts to black out with Larissa’s nail polish, but that seems to trigger something in the bomb mechanism.
Deciding that it will be best to follow Larissa’s panicked cries to get out of the room, they exit… but, moments later the bomb explodes.
Anton is badly hurt and takes a long time to dig himself out of the rubble, but eventually digs his way to Larissa and then out onto the balcony. Larissa, looking for Oxford, vanishes, but Malady is out on the balcony. Anton assists her as they clamber down to the lower floor and then make their way to the ground.