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Wed 4th Oct 2023 10:05

The Zodiark Chronologicals I

by L'Enfant Sauvage

1st Chapter — Lee — The Zodiark Log 002 — Year 200

  • Location: Snake Temple

  • Today marked the beginning of our daring exploration of the Snake Temple, a place shrouded in mystery and hidden away from the eyes of the world.
    As we disembarked from The Zodiark, and approached the entrance to the Snake Temple by foot, we were met with a stark contrast. Dense vegetation and skyfauna, an unruly tangle of life, surrounded us, almost concealing the path. Lush ferns and towering trees competed for space amidst sharp rocks and stones that jutted out like ancient sentinels. As we pushed through this wild border, the temple's entrance came into view. Adorned with intricate snake-like reliefs carved into the stone. Boldly, we ventured deeper into the temple's heart. The first room was nothing short of spectacular, its grandeur rivalling the tales of ancient civilizations. At its centre stood a formidable snake statue, one that unnervingly followed with its gaze the movements of the last person who had set foot within. The enigmatic aura of the chamber was heightened by a curious mechanism, adorned with inscriptions in primordial runes, which lay before the imposing statue.
    In the earth's embrace, wisdom lies,
    Seek the serpent's unblinking eyes.
    Turn the stone to match its gaze,
    Or be caught in the serpent's maze.
    To either side of the sentinel snake, we beheld statues of serpent-like humanoid figures, their presence casting an eerie and foreboding air about the room. A decision had to be made. With a collective curiosity and a dash of bravery, we dared to interact with the mysterious mechanism. As we deciphered the ancient runes and made the mechanism respond, a door at the far end of the room grudgingly began to open, revealing an uncharted passage that beckoned us to explore further.
    Our jubilation was short-lived, for the serpent statues flanking the guardian snake sprang to life, as if awakened from an eternal slumber. With malice gleaming in their eyes, they advanced upon us, striking with speed and ferocity. It was a battle of life and death, courage versus fear, as our party stood together, facing the threat head-on.
    In the end, through skill, teamwork, and determination, we emerged victorious, our adversaries defeated and returned to dust and rubble. The Snake Temple had unveiled its first secrets, and we were left with both the thrill of conquest and the reminder that the ancient ruins of Aetheria held both peril and promise in equal measure. Our journey through this enigmatic place had only just begun.
    We pressed forward with each step, revealing ever more treacherous challenges. As we entered the next chamber, a surreal sight awaited us. The floor was covered in sand, but this was no ordinary sand. It moved almost like water, creating an illusion of shifting dunes beneath our feet. Above, the ceiling was adorned with menacing metal spikes, poised like a deadly trap.
    To navigate this perilous terrain, Talia summoned magical light, illuminating areas of darker sand amidst the shifting grains. It soon became apparent that these darker patches were ominous triggers; if disturbed, they would set in motion the cruel descent of the ceiling spikes, a fate none of us wished to experience.
    Carefully, with our hearts pounding, we made our way across the treacherous sands. The challenge was exacerbated by the fact that the footprints of the person in front would swiftly disappear in the relentless movement of the sand. We had to rely on trust and communication as we navigated this dangerous puzzle together, guiding one another away from the sinister darker patches.
    By using our wits, coordinated teamwork, and the nimble touch of a Mage Hand to test the suspicious spots, we successfully crossed the room unscathed. It was a collective sigh of relief as we moved on, deeper into the heart of the Snake Temple, the ancient ruin had already tested our mettle and resourcefulness, but we remained undeterred.
    As we descended further into its depths. The descent was a winding journey, our path illuminated only by Talia's magical light, we arrived at another room, one that held its own mysteries. From the vantage point of the stairs, we carefully observed our surroundings, attempting to remain hidden from the snake-like humanoids in the room.
    Directly in front of us lay a peculiar fountain, from which a curious cascade of sand poured, obscuring a massive ruby at its centre. The gem glimmered with an entrancing allure. In the main room six or more snake-like humanoids had congregated. Unlike the statues we had encountered earlier, these beings were alive and seemingly engaged in prayer before an imposing throne, adorned with a colossal jewel.
    We huddled in discussion for a few tense minutes, contemplating our next move. We weighed the options, debating whether to attempt to sneak past the snake-like beings or confront them directly. The room held an air of palpable tension, filled with both the anticipation and the shadowy veil of the unknown.
    (Author's Personal notes) — I'm inclined to take some creative liberties at this point, for what happened next is probably the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened to me.
    Without communicating my intentions to my comrades, I designed to try to distract the snake people to assist the others to sneak, I would then lose my pursuers and turn back to meet the party…
    Ah well, I just remembered running to face all the Snake people, felt my body tense-up… and then I woke up and I was at the feet of one of these creatures while my companion fought the rest.
    I was gravely wounded, but despite my shortcomings the Zodiark crew prevailed.
    I have much to apologise for.