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Tue 3rd Oct 2023 03:03

The Zodiark Chronologicals

by L'Enfant Sauvage

1st Chapter — Lee — The Zodiark Log 001 — Year 200

  • Location: Aethersea

  • Today's adventure on the world of Aetheria brought us closer as a crew and forged bonds that promise to be as unbreakable as the sky itself. As we continue our journey on the awe-inspiring skyship The Zodiark, it is with great excitement and gratitude that I chronicle this day.
    A massive, extremely territorial Earth Dragon attacked The Zodiark.
    In the midst of the aerial battle between The Zodiark and the extremely territorial Earth Dragon, the sky was ablaze with action and magic. Eduard, our exceptional pilot, expertly manoeuvred the skyship with precision. As I assisted him as a co-pilot, I marvelled at his skill and determination.
    Shurr, Talia, and Yunseul, standing firm at the ship's arcane ballistas, unleashed a barrage of enchanted projectiles and spells upon the attacking dragon. Their combined efforts filled the air with crackling energy and fiery bursts as they defended our skyship. The dragon's roars of fury were met with their unwavering resolve.
    The battle between The Zodiark and the Earth Dragon was a spectacle of bravery, magical prowess, and daring manoeuvres. The clash of elements, arcane projectiles, and the dragon's ferocity created a dramatic aerial confrontation that showcased the unity and strength of our crew.
    As the combined efforts of our crew took their toll on the Earth Dragon, the magnificent creature was immobilised in midair, and it fell. The dragon's survival remained uncertain, but our immediate concern was to make our escape.
    With the dragon falling from the sky, we swiftly manoeuvred The Zodiark away from the scene of battle, leaving the territorial beast behind. Our objective, the skyruin of the Snake Temple, beckoned us, and we made haste to reach it. Our focus shifted from confrontation to exploration, but the knowledge that we might have to face the dragon once more on our return journey to Skyhold lingered in the back of our minds. The skies held both peril and promise, and our adventures in Aetheria have just begun.
    (Author's Personal notes) — The crew of The Zodiark is extraordinary.
    Eduard von Sternberg is an exceptional pilot and exceeds what is written about him in the manuals. I will learn from him my experience as a co-pilot has made me want to learn how to fly the Zodiark. While the rest of the crew are intrepidly brave, jumped immediately to action when we were faced with the imminent attack of an Earth Dragon. I clearly have much to learn from all of them, and I'm excited to do so.
    Yunseul was kind enough to assist me in "breaking ice" with the legendary "Scales", Talia's cheerful positive aura was enough to stop my shaking hands in the face of the dragon, and Shurr, their passion for knowledge is contagious, I would love to be there when they discover whatever is they are looking for, it would be an honour to be mere spectator.
    We prepare to land.