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Thu 28th Apr 2022 10:36

Session One

by Radiance Tiller

The cool music starts.
Radiance awakens. He looks sexy. But not like he's putting effort into it.
Except for all the bandages covering his face. Don't worry though. They're cosmetic.
The sphinx has given me a quest to solve a mystery, to prove myself. Promise that if I can solve it and return, the power that I seek will be granted to me.
A small boon has been given, proving the power this being possesses.
Oakhirst! Where I'm going. And I have Bankroft, an Acolyte companion who is guiding me.
Oakhirst is a village. Not much to it, except that it holds a mystery oooo.
Mysterious ruins nearby. Convinced Bankroft that it's important and should be kept secret.
There is a tribe of goblins infesting the ruins!! Once a year on Midsummer they sell one piece of fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhirst. Been doing this for 12 years.
Goes for about 50gp.
Apparently it's an Apple of Perfect Hue. Heals those who suffer from any disease or ailment.
Sometimes they try to plant the seeds, but as soon as they start to grow the saplings are stolen, presumably by the gobbos.
I am tasked with finding out how the goblins found this wonder, how they steal the saplings - and it might be cool to find the tree!
It is late spring. Verdant, trees very green. Hot, almost oppressively so.
Bankroft keeps offering to remove the bandages, but it's "part of the trial I must bear"
Want to find someone who knows something about the goblins.
The Inn in Oakhirst - the Old Boar. (I made a joke that the priest at my temple had that nickname but I think Phoebe took that seriously)
Garon, the tavernkeep. Seems nice.
Have a drink.
Asking around, to get the local perspective about the goblins, and find out what is true, and if anyone needs some help with things.
Old man with a pipe doesn't think much of it. Thinks people are foolish to spend so much on goblin trash.
He's coughing, I cast light on a penny and press it to him, to make him think I've helped him.
Old Martha, a washerwoman was so excited to get the fruit. She got the bad fruit and it KILLED her.
IN WINTER THE FRUIT IS BAD! It's white in winter and it's bad. Even if you touch.
Rurik, a dwarf at the bar.
A group has been in before about a month ago to try to fight the goblins. They never came back.
Two regular folk, brother and sister Talgyn and Sharwyn - HuKreole siblings, grew up around here. Had a weird fellow with them, Sir Bradford, holy fellow. And Caracas, a quiet one.
There's something Out There at nighttime that makes it unsafe. Not the goblins. Something from the ruins. People head out and find them in the morning full of puncture wounds.
Last guy who was expressing interest in the ruin was Bellak, a grim guy, not friendly but a lot of questions. Not a local, had a big frog.
Go to sleep. BUT FIRST. Sneak out, to see what kind of perimeter this place keeps. Bankroft is such a Good Holy Boy.
There's a general store, a smithy, a Village Hall, a few disinterested looking guards. There's a shrine to Pellor.
Meditate for a bit. The Light inside me starts to burn, I feel anger swelling within me and an image flashes across my mind of scorched corpses of goblins, before I push it away and calm myself. "We're not going down that route then"
Back to the inn and go to sleep.
MY ANGEL is called Cadhock - Cathock, Irish dh sound.
Bankfroft is not a fighter. He's also a coward and not reliable in a fight, but he can heal and I need him.
What I know about goblins: Evil, green, smaller than orcs, greedy, travel in packs, cowardly, ambush people. Bad. Stinky. Probably eat people. Not very intelligent.
Radiance is awkward around women.
Kerowyn HuKreole, the shopkeep. Matronly mum. Not convinced her kids are dead. Not a fan of Pellor! Because of the guy.
She wants me to find her kids. They each have a ring, of the family crest. If I can bring her the rings, she'll make it worth my while. 125 gp for each ring. Double if they're okay.
Buy some stuff from her - ball bearings, oil, rope, 5 torches and a tinderbox.
I want Distraction Meat from the butcher, a Fine Offering for the gobbos. Half a pound of Fine Meat.
There's a Gnome Priest. I didn't meet her, Bankroft did.
Leave my gold and crossbow with the inkeep.
And off to find a ruin!
Travel about 7 miles through dusty and desolate landscape. Come to the opening of a narrow ravine. The road runs alongside the ravine. There's some fallen pillars which I'll approach.
They're fallen, only two standing upright. Damage and graffiti.
Similar pillars on the other side of the ravine, something tore this place apart.
These pillars are really fuckin old. Not elf old, but still fuckin old. This was probably some kind of small citadel, the entrance to something much larger, but I don't see anything above ground.
The graffiti use dwarven script, but I don't recognise the words. This is goblin.
Edge of the ravine, there's a rope hanging attached to a pillar. A ledge about 50ft down, some footholds in the wall.
It's weird how dry it is here. I don't know what caused that though.
Descend to the ledge (nat 19 on Athletics for a total 18)
Sandy ledge overlooks a gulf of darkness to the west. There's rough stairs zigzagging down, descending into darkness.
There's a scuffle behind me, I turn around and HOLY SHIT it's time to roll initiative!
There's a giant rat.
I Mind Spike it.
Bankroft gets down safely and heals me back to full. No sign of more rats.
We prepare to head down into the darknesse!