A good day? by Nichol | World Anvil

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Mon 3rd Oct 2022 03:47

A good day?

by Nichol Trafford

*Click!* The audio recording starts.
"I actually had a simple job this time, I guess. Tattoo asked me, Vatna, and Tsoki to help out our image by meeting with this documentarian and look into some issues back in Port Barter. It was really straightforward - we got interviewed, gave him good shots, and went to check out a swamp. When we were there, we checked out this large temple... pyramid thing, got some more shots, and went back. Honestly, the worst issue we had was some turbulence, and even that wasn't a big deal. "
"Well... there is one bigger deal, I think. Some time back, I managed to get a couple powerful magic scrolls, which I kept handy in a sealed container in case of emergency. After the job got done and we started taking the documentarian back, I realized one of the scrolls - one with some really powerful storm energy in it - was missing. The documentarian didn't have it, nobody else on the ship had it, we were never in a hint of trouble. The only thing I can think of is I dropped it somehow, but normally I try to be really careful about keeping something that powerful strapped up safe. It worries me that it could get lost like that."
"The other thing, though..." A period of silence. "Afterwards, something felt different. When I got back to the apartment, I checked out my blue eye, and it seems kind of different, somehow. A little bluer. When I focused on it a bit, I felt something else there, too, something I didn't notice before. And as I tried to figure that out and looked at the eye I normally keep under the patch... for a moment, I started to feel angry. Really angry, like what I felt in that moment during the duel with Lio but giant-sized. It faded, but... I've never felt like that before when looking at my other eye. Can't even start to explain it, and that kind of worries me."
The sound of some rustling. "Maybe I'm still feeling it from that duel, or I just need sleep or something. Nothing I can do about it now." *click*