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Sat 23rd Dec 2023 11:51

Session 20: Quill joins the team and we go to the Library

by Lyra Spectralsong

Faenore finds out that we can go to a place called "Sand Scales" to have the dragon scales possibly melded with our armor for lightening resistance.
In this city, there is a 10kft flat mesa. The city itself feel very "Arabian"
As we walk out of 3rd story penthouse, we hear a lot of murmuring and flapping of bird wings. Outside we see the city completely covered in Ravens. Thousands of them. They are staring at a single mysterious figure walk down the street.
Leland recognizes these ravens to be from the Raven Queen. The person that is approaching is the Raven Queen's champion. Leland goes down and greets this person.
This shadarkai elf is named Quillandria and was sent by the Raven Queen to help Tempest get his brother's soul out of the axe. The Raven Queen is pretty pissed about Tempest's soul not coming to her when he died.
Leland leads Quill to Tempest's body. She examines him and we explain what happened.
Lufere wants Leland and Lyra to see if they can some how get in touch with their family to try and find out what the dragon may be. Lyra nor Leland ever heard of a dragon being involved in the Runeforge Wars.
Lyra and Stefan suggest maybe trying to find the lost library to see if we can find information there.
Leland examines the amulet that he and Tempest got from Arude. There is one of two runes that are not lighting up, but he's not able to determine why.
At this moment, there is a knock at the door. It's a dancer there to offer her services. Leland gives her a tip and seh leaves. Stefan follows off after her.
We go down stairs. Lyra asks the innkeeper about the lost library and Woe. NObody has really seen Woe in like 100 years, but his influence is still very strong. Serek is the name of a fellow who claims to have found the library. She gets directions to where she can find him.
Lufere learns that there is a group of people called Diknightens that live on the mesa 10,000ft up . They are skilled dragon fighters and they are the reason blue dragons leave this city alone.
It can be hard to meet them, because nobody is allowed on top, and there is no way up nor down other than climbing it. There are no ladders or stairs up.
We learn that sometimes we can find their people on the surface, and they are recognized by what they wear and the black spears they carry. They are a religious group that follows Zeus. They are incredibly strict about their laws, and don't care if you know their laws or not. They will still inflict their punishment which is usually death. They have no tolerance for outsiders wearing or using their gear.
Stefan begs us to go outside and so we go. outside. Apparently Stefan stealthily got his money bag off of him.
WE decide to go try to find Serek and ask him about the library. We get there and a little girl opens the door and makes us pay $10gbp per person to get in to talk to Serek.
Is this a fucking Tourist scam? Oh my gosh...I think we're being scammed.
Serek starts offering fortunes and shit. We ask him where the library is and he seems surprised at us that this is why we were there.
He tells us that he did find the library once, but was the only survivor of his group. The library is miles and miles large. He barely made it out alive.
He says he spent 100 years in the library, but when he came out of it, only days had passed.
He had gotten separated from his group when they initially went into the library, and he never saw them again.
Serek knows of 2 other people who went to the library. They both lost their entire groups down there. It seems that only one person per group can come back?
He tells us where the library is and where to find it. We thank him for his time and we leave.
We walk through a marketplace and Callun talks to a shady individual to try and find out how he can get some of the armor of the Dinightens. Even though if he is caught by one of them wearing it, they will kill him.
Lufere is able to spot one of the Dinightens in the crowd and asks him some questions. He presents the dragon heart he has and asks questions about it. He seems to be very impressed by this and explains that they send their kids out when they are young to make their first kill and if one showed back up with a heart they would become of the highest rank immediately.
Lufere asks if they know how to kill a dracolich, and they say there is no need as dracoliches do not exist here. He tells him that Woe is a dracolich now. This man says his people killed Woe a long time ago. Also someone named Galadrian and Aurendille sealed Woe away in an ice and hid away a forge. HIs people helped Galadrian and Aurendille to this years ago. They believe this dragon to be dead though.
Lufere tells them that Woe is actually possessing an axe now and we need to deal with it. Lufere tells them that if they need proof of Woe's existence, they can go see Paul at the orc camp. They are not willing to go out on their own to see this themselves and we would have to bring it to them.
The man says our best bet to kill this dracolich is to kill it, Try to see where it spawns within the next 10 days, try and find its falactory there, and then kill it again.
Lurfere tells everyone about this.
Meanwhile, CAllun and Stefan are looking for the Blackmarket. They've been given the code word APPEROOT. They just have to ask if anyone sells this, and if they do, they are part of the black market.
Callun finds someone who has Denighton armor as well as some of their spear heads. We also learn that the spear heads are like prince ruperts drops that shatter when they stab into the dragon causing terrible damage.
These go for an outrageous amount of gold, and Callun asks if there is anything that can be done, and the merchant says he's kind of into Callun. Callun flirts back with him and gets them a 50% discount.
They are able to purchase a lightning redirection javelin. Stefan is warned to keep this hidden lest he be killed on the spot by the Dinightens.
We decide to head out. As we are leaving, we see that that everyone is looking up at the mesa where there are a bunch of blue butterflies. Right now it seems that they are getting ready to harvest silk which they can only do once every 3 years. The butterflies will be laying their eggs soon, and then they will hatch in a few days. It allows them to make LIght armor that gives 16AC. If you get stung by one of the caterpillars, you will be in terrible pain for the rest of your life.
Lufere makes friends with x10 of these blue butterflies and he is going to raise their young.
We officially head out to find the library.
We run into a shark and a couple of Sahagain. One of the Sahagain summon an elemental that absorbs Lydia and Hazel. It starts to severely damage them.
Hazel is able to get Lydia out by sacrificing herself.
Lyra is able to pull Hazel out of the water elemental.
We all fight bravely and are able to defeat the elemental and shark and scare off the sahagan. As we are gathering our senses, we hear chimes off in the distance. We see the top of a building sticking out of the sand off in the distance.
While we are resting, Hazel talks to Leland and I think she tries to comfort him and possibly herself, and speaks highly of Tempest to Leland. Hazel promises that she will not rest until we get Tempest back. Hazel promises to take care of Leland and Tempest.
Hazel also tells him that if he ever hopes to meet a girl, he needs to stop rubbing himself on Fuzzball, because he smells of death and decay.
She thinks Leland will be alone all of his life because of this.
As we finish a long rest, We hear Vargoyles flying towards us from the distance. Quill knows that they are incredibly dangerous and can curse and poison you with a single hit.
We evade the Vargoyles and start descending down the library.
Down below we are standing on a platform with buildings that is raised. To the right and left are lots of buildings. To the front, Callun sees a shimmering substance down below. Possibly water.
It seems that the whole city of Truthage sank instead of just the library.
We find a scroll of fireball. and we need to figure out how to get down from this platform as everything is broken and crumbled. We end here.

Continue reading...

  1. Session Zero Summer Camp
  2. Session One- The Last Day Festival
  3. POEM- Asmodeus's Golden Arse
  4. SONG- Semuanya- God of the scale
  5. Session 2 Visitors....Finally!
  6. POEM: A broken heart and a promise made
  7. Session 3 Riddles, Puzzles, and nonsense Oh my!
  8. Session Four: Standoff against Malachoz
  9. Session Five: How to save Callun from his demons
  10. Session Six: Evading what's in the shadows.
  11. Session Seven: Mummy on the Orient Express
  12. Session Eight: Sho me the Maelstrom and save the elves.
  13. Session 9: A whale of a good time
  14. Session 10: :WTF just happened?
  15. Session Eleven: Shenanigans in Pontamooonday
  16. Session Twelve: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire
  17. Session Thirteen: It's demogorgon living in Callun
  18. Session Fourteen- A crossover
  19. Session Fifteen: Pursuit of Deathknight Schmidt
  20. Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists
  21. Session 18- Wasteland of Woe
  22. Session 19: The end of Tempest
  23. Session 20: Quill joins the team and we go to the Library
  24. Session 21: A christmas Story
  25. Session 22: Menstrels, Purple Worms and Illithids! Oh My!
  26. Session 23: The end of a Neolithid and escaping an Abolith
  27. Session 24: The Great Library
  28. Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron
  29. Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief
  30. Session Twenty Seven: A quest for Cold Iron
  31. Session 28: Exploring Islands and smoking with and Oni
  32. Session 29: Lyra commits genocide to save Faenore
  33. Session 30: Guardian Number One- The Mummy Lord
  34. Session 31: Into the Runeforge we go
  35. Session 32: Defeating Zozth and Operation Save Fuzzball
  36. Session 33: Let us introduce Tempest and Hazel Arden- Prince and Princess of Ardenia
  37. Session 34: Zeus is a perv and Syfans start an invasion.
  38. Session 35: Adventures back to Ardenia
  39. Session 36: Matters of the heart in Ardenia
  40. Session 37: All paths lead back to Summer Camp
  41. Session 38: Family Reunion and new enemies
  42. Session 39: Shards, Betrayal, and the Choice of Fate
  43. Session 40: Attacked by a Kraken and ancient civilizations discovered
  44. Session 41: Escaping an ancient civilization. Rescuing Miners in Seg Raven.
  45. Session 42: A family reunion for Faenor and a working Moon Well
  46. Session 43: A giant plan with a colorful distraction