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The Bling Island Reserve

The Bling Island Reserve is a small camp located at the eastern shore of the Continent of Frutuscore. Due to the constant attacks from Jolly Ranch on The Bling Islands, many of their populace were forced to flee their homes and migrate to the main continent. This left many citizens without shelter and food, stranded in different parts of the world.

The Roripop Kingdom saw this and elected to create the Bling Island Reserve, offing to use the kingdom's land it gained during The Frutuscore War.

Many of the other nations see this as nothing more than a stunt to gain more land and popularity, and Shiokosho, who's land it originally belonged to, isn't too thrilled.


The Bling Island Reserve is an open, all accepting place where everyone is welcome. Because of this open policy people from all walks of life and from various nations visit/ move here, though the majority of the populace are the Bling Island's former residents. Other than the the hierarchy of monks, everyone is treated as equals. There are no wealth classes or social status; everyone helps each other out.

Even though there is no technical social status within the Reserve, outside influences bend these beliefs slightly. Nearly all the citizens within the Reserve are loyal to The Roripop Kingdom and Princess Blowpop, as she saved them from poverty and possibly death. Many posters containing her likeness can be found around the Reserve.


The Bling Island Reserve is run by the The Order of Kiwano, a religious group of monks dedicated to Kiwano, God of Creation and his teachings. The organization is run by Père Simón D'speer who oversees the Reserve and its needs, then sends his monks to aid accordingly. While D'speeris the head monk until his death or removal, the "government" remains a democracy in which everyone's voice and opinion is heard and dealt with.

That being said, the chain of command does not end at Père Simón. Because of the Roripop Kingdom providing so much aid to the Reserve, it is classified as under the kingdom's partial rule, meaning Princess Blowpop is technically in charge of the Reserve. Even though this is the case she lets the Reserve manage itself and has even given the citizens of the Reserve full citizenship, meaning they can elect representatives to take part in the Monthly Agenda Council. The representative usually changes each month, allowing for equal representation within the Reserve.


While the Reserve has no main military of its own it technically has access to the kingdom's military if it's ever needed. This because it is under the partial rule of the Roripop Kingdom.

The monks of the Reserve also go through immense training to hone their bodies and minds; many of them are well versed in martial arts.

The , and that surround the Reserve also provide natural defenses to unwanted intruders.

Industry & Trade

Most of the Reserve's inhabitants work to keep the Reserve healthy and running. Through the creation of material goods and the harvesting of nearby resources, the Reserve trades with other nations, mainly the Roripop Kingdom, to keep the economy stable. This is greatly due to the Roripop Kingdom's financial aid as well.

The main exports from the Bling Island Reserve are fish, peal attire/ art, and flowers.


The Reserve consists of small huts and tents that house the refugees of the Bling Islands. Many senic paths and meditation walkways/ gardens can be found scattered throughout the Reserve.


The Bling Island Reserve is famous for its wonderful hand made pearl art and attire that is sold around the time of the annual . Another Reserve trade are the vast variety of flowers that grow in its many gardens.

Other than The Pearl Gates & Pearl Garden, the Reserve's most valuable item is the Mesocarpian. It is located in a large underground chamber under the Reserve's main church. It rests on a podium in the center of the chamber and is surrounded by tapistries that reach the floor. The chamber is sealed off with magic and many locks; Only high level monks and priests have access.


The Bling Island Reserve was founded in the year 62 AM by Père Simón and Princess Blowpop. During the , many people of the Bling Islands were struggling to survive for they had just lost their homes, loved ones, and livelyhoods. Many fled inland to the continent of Frutuscore. They were in a foriegn world and many of them were barely getting by. Père Simón saw these poor people washing up on shore, wounded and scared. He vowed to get aid for them and traveled to the Roripop Kingdom. He was able to meet with the princess. She graciously offered her aid and assistance, providing funds and resources to build The Bling Island Reserve.

Over the next few years as Jolly Ranch's attacks continued, the people of the Bling Island Reserve sent out rescue missions to bring victims of the attack to the Reserve. Over time as more and more people arrived the Reserve became a safe haven where people could recover. As many cultures and beliefs were introduced to the Reserve, they all eventually merged into The Order of Kiwano.

Things are peaceful in the Reserve to this day. However, there have been sightings of The Chosen gathering outside the Reserve's borders.....


Its rapid growth and rich culture attracts those from other nations. The most notable and widely known locations within the Reserve are The Pearl Gates & Pearl Garden. The Pearl Gates is a long trail that leads to the Reserve's highest peak: . Upon reaching the top one will pass under a large gate made of vines and flowers. Beyond the gate is a mountaintop garden that houses flowers, trees, fountains, and a large statue of Kiwano at its center. This is known as the Pearl Garden.


Some of the structures in the Reserve are made of wood, though a vast majority are different variations of cloth tents. The more important buildings and locations of the Reserve are adorned with symbols of Kiwano such as pearls or antlers. Some buildings, mostly churches, have large woven tapestries that represent different stories about Kiwano.

The most notable architectural feat however are the Pearl Gates and Garden. A path was carved up Mt. Cukeasaurus and decorated with huge, carefully crafted archways that represent the different deities. At the top of the mountain resides the Pearl Garden, a vibrant and tranquil circular garden housing many species of flowers, statues, and fountains. Many of the other gardens and meditation sites within the Reserve are akin to the Pearl Garden, but none can match its captivation.

At the base of Mt. Cukeasaurus and near the beginning of the Pear Gates is the main church of The Order of Kiwano. It's a massive, domed structure that stands out against its environment. While the majority of the Reserve is built with wood, the church is built out of bricks. While it's main use is to serve as a place to pray, it also houses the Mesocarpian. Deep under the church is a large chamber with tapestries of various myths and legends hanging on the walls. At the center of the room lies the Mesocarpian on a pedestal. Only Père Simón D'speer and high priests can enter this room.


The Bling Island Reserve is located on the south eastern shore of the continent. To the north are the and to the west is the Amber Lake Nature Preserve. All of these geographical features lead to one of the more unique nations, for it combines the beauty of the nature reserve's forest and wildlife while the landscape turns more and more mountainous as you head north and tropical as you head southwest.

Natural Resources

There aren't many natural resources found exclusivly within the Reserve other than the Pearl Sea where the Reserve harvests its pearls from for the annual .
The Bling Island Reserve's national symbol  


Founding Date
65 AM
Alternative Name(s)
The Reserve
The Continent of Frutuscore
Included Locations
Cukeasaur Mountain Range
Père Simón D'speer
Owning Organization
The Roripop Kingdom
Example of one of many posters plastered all over the Bling Island Reserve  

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